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Mitsuya's POV

"So, this dumbass thought we were meeting up at his place although he was the one telling us to up meet here?!" Said a certain Tarzan friend of mine.

"Calm down man, he'll be here in any minute." His partner tried to calm him down by putting his hand on his shoulder.

"He better be." He finally calmed down.

"Speaking of calming down, did I just heard minutes ago that Mikey has a girlfriend now?" All eyes went on Smiley, sitting there on his bike smiling like always.

"Mikey has a girlfriend? I thought he'll never make it this far." Commented Peh-yan.

Pa-chin looked at him as if he has seen a ghost. "No way. Really?" (Bro is in denial 😨)

"We don't know for sure." Chifuyu replied.

"He probably threatened her to be his girlfriend probably. Poor girl." Angry replied.

The talk grew louder and more interesting, but I couldn't concentrate on it.

I was lost in my own thoughts, dreaming about more important things than Mikey's love life. I thought about my own love life and wondered if I would ever have someone of his own...

I was thinking about Y/n, my new crush/obsession. Her image flashes through my head, and I can't help but think about her over and over again. The image of her bright smile and her beautiful eyes consumes my thoughts, and I can't help but feel drawn to her.

The talk from the boys fades away as my focus is all on Y/n that I didn't even hear Hakkai talking to me.

"You listening to me?"

I snapped back to reality and realise I was supposed to listen to my friend. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something else. What were you saying?"

Hakkai sighed. He knew that I was always dreaming about something else, and I was always in my own little world. But Hakai knew what he wanted to say was important, so he repeated himself.

"I was just saying if you're ok? You've been quiet this whole time." He asked me rubbing his neck slightly.

I'm silent for a moment, letting the silent tension build.

Hakkai shakes his head. "Nevermind. Sorry for disturbing you." He apologised.

I quickly turns to Hakkai and say...

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you. My thoughts are just... preoccupied." I take a deep breath before speaking.

"I was just thinking about the girl I've been obsessing over lately... You know, the girl named Y/n." I admitted to him in a hushed tone so that the others couldn't hear me while they were focused on discussing about Mikey's love life.

Hakkai seems to be taken aback by my admission.

"Y-you too?" He asked me which I raised my eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?" I hoped that he didn't mean that he also has the same feelings for her.

"W-well I mean...I-i also like her." He also admitted embarrassed.

"I mean, I only knew her for one day and I-i can't get her out of my mind."

I look at him with surprise, wondering how this could be possible. I have never suspected that he also is crushing on the same girl as me. 'Damn it. Now I have competition.'

I nod, a hint of jealousy in my eyes. I couldn't believe that I wasn't the only one with these feelings. 'My friend is also crushing on her? Is it bad or good?'

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