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I decided to sit at the window side in the middle like always since I don't like sitting in the middle cuz it makes me feel like everyone is watching my every move, sitting at the back wouldn't do it any better since I can't hear clearly what the teacher is saying and sitting at front is a no no for me. The teacher will definitely pick me and watch me solving the shitty math problem I don't even know how to solve it.

After some time, some students already arrived and took their seats. I can swear that some of them looked at me worried and shocked. 'What's wrong with them?' I ask myself before a tall very muscular guy with blue and white hair kept long and tied up entered the classroom along with two familiar faces: Kokonoi and Inupi. What a coincidence.

The blue head makes eye contact with me which it sends shivers down my spine.I turn aroundto look out the window pretending like I didn't see him.

??? POV💭

I was already half done writing about the whole damn backstory of the Queen Elizabeth 1. As I was about to finish with the last damn sentence, the bell rang, alerting me that it's over now. I pack my things together and get up from my seat and walk out of the classroom along with Inui and Kokonoi.

"The girl we met for sure was pretty. No, she was more than pretty. The beauty itself." I hear Kokonoi say to Inui.

"Well, I have to agree with you on that. Even her voice sounded so good almost like I was listening to my favourite song." This time it was Inupi who said something out of blue that I did not expect from someone who rather is cold towards others and doesn't like people. But but I can tell that the girl they're talking about must be something else... pff, as if she'll catch my attention. They and their love. I could care less. I kept walking to the room 15 while Kokonoi and Inui wouldn't stop talking about that y/n girl that they are obsessed with.

After 5 minutes we arrive to the room and open the door, went inside only to see somebody already sitting at my seat.

"Who the heck is this?"

An irked mark had appeared on my forehead, and my tone was laced with anger and annoyance. The person I was facing appeared to be a girl with with h/l h/c. She turned her head in my direction, and our eyes met. Her e/c eyes made my anger and annoyance disappear. I softened my expression, but I still did not show any emotion on my face.

"Isn't that y/n-chan? What a coincidence" Kokonoi broke the silence.

"We have the same class as her, that's a blessing." Inui said with which it sounded like he is happy to see you again. Which he really is.

Second person's POV💭

Quickly turning your head away, you pretend to be gazing out of the window, resting your elbow on the desk and your head on your hand. Your heart pounds from nervousness, and you struggle to handle this awkward situation.

Kokonoi and Inui watched Taiju with concern, worried that he might do something to upset you. You were far too precious to be hurt or mistreated in any way. Taiju made his way towards you, stopping directly at your desk (well, technically his desk). Your heart rate quickened, beating faster than before. You tried to act nonchalant, as if you hadn't noticed his presence, but Taiju gently rapped his knuckles on the desk, drawing your attention.

"Hey, Women." Taiju said, trying to keep his irritation in check. "I believe you're in my seat."

What bothered him the most was that she seemed to be completely absorbed in the view outside the window, as if she hadn't even noticed him. 'Who does she think she is? Nobody ignores me like that, especially not a woman. But there's something about her that's caught my attention,' Taiju thought to himself, still waiting for her response.

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