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As you awaken the next morning, the soft rays of sunlight gently filter through your curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you sit up and stretch, ready to embrace the day. That's when your eyes land on a piece of paper resting on your nightstand, it was folded perfectly with a heart note on it, instantly capturing your attention.

Curiosity tinged with apprehension fills you as you reach for the note and carefully unfold it. The words etched on the paper send a shiver down your spine.

"See you soon, my future wife."

A wave of unease washes over you, and your heart quickens its pace. The note feels intrusive as if someone has invaded your personal space. You can't help but feel a sense of creepiness creeping up within you. However, as you recall that Mitsuya is staying at your place, you try to dismiss the disquieting thoughts, attributing the note to his playful nature. 'Is it him that wrote this for me? But that doesn't even make sense, why would he do that when he is staying at my place?' You were totally confused and creeped out.

Pushing aside the lingering discomfort, you focus on the present and decide to head to the kitchen and you see your maid already done making breakfast. "Good morning m, lady. Breakfast is ready." She greets you with a smile.

"Thank you, miss." You thank her properly and sit down at the table, but then you remember that Mitsuya is still asleep upstairs. You get up and walk upstairs with your pajamas still on (your choice). You reached it upstairs and knock on the door gently. "Mitsuya-kun, you awake? Breakfast is ready." You wait for an answer.

"Yeah, just a minute please." He calls out.

"Alright, I'll be waiting in the kitchen downstairs." With that, you walk downstairs back to the kitchen and take your seat.

Minutes later he entered the kitchen, he was now wearing his gang uniform. 'I forgot he was a delinquent when he looks so handsome and so husband material.' You instantly thought with a blush creeping on your cheeks when you said that in your head. 'What is wrong with me?! You just met him.' You try to convince yourself to forget that you ever said that until his voice snaps me out of my delulu.

"Good morning darling, slept good?" This caught you off guard when he called you darling and on top of that he sounded as if we were already a couple, he realized your flustered stance and smirked to himself but then it turned to a confused one: acting to be innocent.

"I'm sorry if I said something to your dislike, I'll stop if you're not comfortable with that."

"I-it's ok, I like it too. It's just new to me when people call me by nicknames." You smiled lightly before gesturing for him to take a sit. "Please take a sit, breakfast is already reserved by my very professional maid, Isabella. She is a lovely person and is really good at cooking. You'll be surprised if you taste her food."

Mitsuya chuckles and takes a seat across from you at the kitchen table. "Thank you, my darling."

You both begin to eat with chatting together and get to know each other better by now. You found out that he is the second division captain in Toman and his vice-captain is the blueberry: Hakkai.

"That's awesome, is it fun to be in a gang?" You ask him as you take a bite of your waffle.

Mitsuya looked like he was thinking about it, "I wouldn't say it's fun but neither is it bad. It's when with friends and people you know but also bad with enemies. But we can defeat them easily, that's not a problem." He tried so hard not to flex but on the other hand, he really wanted to flex so you could be impressed by him.

You looked at him impressed, "that's awesome. I hope you don't end up in trouble. But don't your parents know about it?" You question him with your head tilted a bit out of curiosity.

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