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School was over and you gather your belongings before heading out of the school building and to the front gate of school, where Mikey is supposed to pick you up for the hangout.

You stand next to the gate and then get a notification. You pull out your phone and see that it's a message from Mikey. You click on it and read the message.

Mikey mouse:

"Bunny-chan, I'll be the ere in 5 minutes. Just wait for me princess ❤️"


"I'm already waiting. Then see ya in five minutes ✌️."

You put your phone back inside your jacket's pocket and wait with your hands resting inside your pockets.

"Y/N-chan!" You hear your name being called by a familiar voice. You turn your head to the direction and see that it's Mikey along with Draken. 'But he said in five minutes.' You thought before waving to him and walk towards him.

"I-it's nice t-to see you again, M-Mickey! Mikey?" You forgot how to pronounce his name. 'Is it like Mikey as in "Mickey mouse" or just Mikey?' You blushed slightly embarrassed.

Both of them chuckle softly.

Mikey takes notice of how you pronounces his name and how it makes you flustered. It gives him the urge to tease you a bit more.

"Oh! You're so cute when you get nervous. What's wrong? You forget my name, Bunny-chan?" Mikey teases, his expression is playful while his brow is slightly raised.

You get even more flustered and embarrassed "I-i just forgot-" he cut your sentence off.

"Hey, relax, Bunny-chan. It happens sometimes." He chuckle again before grabbing your hand and leading you to his bike.

"C'mon, we need to hurry before my friends get too restless waiting for us!"

Mikey gets on his bike and Draken on his own bike.

"C'mon, Bunny-chan. Don't make us wait."

He looks at you with pleading eyes. "Oh, please, Bunny-chan. I promise you that our little hangout will be fun."

You look at the bike in confusion. 'Mf how to get on? Please don't tell me I have to hold onto him for dear life.' You take a deep breath and decided to ask him.

"H-how do I...get on? I've never been on a bike before."

Mikey blinks twice before grinning like an idiot.

"Allow me to help you." He says before getting off his bike and offering you his hand to take, hoping you would notice.

You gladly take his hand as he moves behind you and holds your waist to keep you steady with the other hand. You then carefully hop on the bike with help of Mikey before he also gets on and turns the engine on.

"Just put your leg over the engine and wrap your arms around me." He tells you confidently. 'My bunny-chan is gonna wrap her arms around me! This must be the luckiest day ever!'

You wrap your arms around him tightly, your chest pressing against his back causing him to blush without you noticing. 'Her boobs are so soft and touchable.'

On the other hand, Draken was fuming jealously. Glaring daggers at Mikey, 'don't think you won like that, shrimp. I still have all lot chances with her'

He watches in irritation as he sees you pressing yourself against Mikey, making him feel very irritated and slightly jealous of his best friend*

'He doesn't have much to worry about, she's just friendly, right..?

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