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As Smiley and Angry pulled up to the meeting spot, Smiley helped you hop off the bike. "Careful princess, let me help you." you couldn't help but giggle lightly and grab his hand to get off the bike. "Thank you, my prince." You played along.

Smiley grinned widely as he held your hand in his, he looked like the happiest person in the world. As you and Smiley approached Mikey and the other members you noticed that Mikey's eyes were glued directly on you. Mikey had been waiting for this moment for a long time. This whole moment felt like it was all made for you. You then saw Angry's eyes narrowing and a jealous expression covering his face as he noticed this interaction. 'I also wanna be her prince.'

"Bunny-chan, you came!" Mikey runs up to you and wraps his arms around your waist tightly, his warm breath tickling your neck. The others rather looked jealous and some insecure, 'lucky bastard.' wishing they were the ones holding you.

"H-Hello to you too, Mikey-kun." you pat his head gently with a smile. The guys in the background were starting to get a little annoyed and jealous. Draken was also giving a little glare at Mikey as you were hugging him. Mikey was clearly showing off the fact that you are his to all the other guys by the way he was squeezing and holding you so tightly.

Draken walked over to us with a forced smile. "Oi! Let's just hurry up with the meeting, everyone is waiting." Mikey lets go of you but grabs your hand this time and leads you up the stairs of the shrine where all the Toman members are already waiting down there.

"I-if I may ask, what is the meeting about?" You ask him in a low tone, embarrassed to even talk from all the stares you're just getting from the members who were looking at you in awe.

"Who's she?"

"She's hot."

"I bet it's Mikey's girl, you can tell by the way he is holding her hand."

"No but seriously, who's this beauty?"

You feel your cheeks growing warm as you overhear their conversation. You're not used to being the center of attention, especially in a group of rough-looking gang members.

Mikey looks at you with a serious expression and says, "We're discussing some important matters regarding the gang. But more importantly, we're here to welcome our new member, the princess of Toman."

"Toman princess?" you tilt your head to the side, waiting for his answer. 'I didn't know they have a girl in a gang full of guys.'

Mikey chuckles lightly, finding your curiosity cute. "Yes, it's you, Bunny-chan."

You look at him in surprise and shock. "Me? But I'm not a member of Toman," you protest.

Mikey smiles at you and says, "That's where you're wrong. From this day forward, you are a member of Toman, our princess. And if anyone has a problem with that, let them step forward."

You look around, expecting someone to speak up, but no one does. You let out a sigh of relief and turn to Mikey. "I-I don't know how to fight, only basic self-defense," you admit, feeling a little embarrassed.

Mikey puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
"Don't worry, you won't have to. We're here to protect you. All you have to do is be yourself and lead us to victory."

As you try to process everything that's happening, Baji suddenly grins and calls out, "Hey, everyone! Give our princess an applause!"

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause, and you can't help but feel your face growing hot with embarrassment. You never expected to be greeted with such a warm welcome, and you're not sure how to react.

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