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The next day in school

'Another day, another boring day' You thought to yourself bored as you sat at your desk in class and listened to the teacher. Luckily you have today only two subjects today: Math and English and then you can go home.

You work on your assignment like the others are doing and after five minutes the bell rings. 'Finally, I can go home and relax.' You pick up your things and leave the classroom walking through the corridors as students pass by. You make your way to your locker where you got your Key to the locker today from the Principal, now you don't need to carry your books around.

Making it to the first floor, you reach it to your locker, a brand new one but what caught your attention was the fact that the locker was full of......letters?

You raise your eyebrow in confusion before you insert the key and open the locker to be met with various letters falling from your locker.

"Eh? I thought this was mine." You said to yourself in confusion until you picked up a letter and saw that it was not just an ordinary letter but a love letter. "Love letter?" You mutter to yourself as you open the envelope and read it in your head.

"Dear Y/n,

You may not know me, but I want to tell you that you are very beautiful and charming. Every time I see you walk past me, my heart thumps like a wild animal trying to escape its cage. I may sound creepy but I like the way you smell. You smell like Vanilla mixed with watermelon. I hope I have one day the courage to meet you in person :)

Love, your admirer.

( ' ▽ ' ).。o♡ "

"Oh.." That is all you could say at the moment, this is kinda new to you. You're taken aback. 'How the hell do they know how I smell?' You thought to yourself creeped out but kinda flattered. 'At least they said I smell good.'

You crouch down and open your bag before stuffing the letters in your bag and zipping it up back. You put your books in the locker and lock it back before walking out to go home.

Anyways on your back home, you come across a black cat trying to catch a blue butterfly as it jumps many times but no luck. 'Aww, how cute.'

You kneel down to pick up the cat as it meows tilting its head. "Hello there little one, where you came from, hm?" You talk to the cat trying to see if it understands to which it starts to lick your hand.

You giggle slightly as you put it down on your lap and pet it's head gently.

As you continued to play with the adorable black cat, you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort in its presence. The cat's soft fur and gentle purrs were a welcome distraction from the confusing love letters that had just been discovered in your locker. Little did you know, you were being watched by someone quite interested in the scene unfolding before him.

Chifuyu, the cat's owner, had been searching for his feline friend, who had a habit of running away and getting into trouble. As he approached the two of you, he couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and curiosity. Relief that his cat was safe and sound, and curiosity at the sight of you, his crush, interacting with his pet.

"Excuse me," he said hesitantly, trying to mask the nerves in his voice. "I'm... I'm afraid that's my cat. He doesn't usually like to be around people, but he seems to have taken quite a liking to you."

You gulped, realizing that you had been so caught up in the moment that you hadn't even noticed the owner of the cat. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I thought he was just a stray. Is he always this...fussy?" You asked, gesturing to the cat, which had now nestled itself comfortably in your lap.

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