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After you and the girls performed the songs you and Bulma wrote, you bid your goodbye to them and walk out of the school building and then towards the school gym to see if they have unlocked the locker's room door so you can finally pick up your things and head home.

On the way there you still felt being watched, not by one person but several, as if a whole gang is watching you. (It might seem crazy what I'm about to say 😛)

Arriving on time, you see the door already wide open. You peak inside to see if anyone is inside to see that it's....empty?

"What the heck?!" You were in disbelief, your things like school uniform, backpack, phone and other necessities are now gone.

"I've been robed." You mutter in disbelief, as you look around to see if you can spot anything at least but no luck.

"What am I gonna do? And why didn't anyone informed me to come pick my things up."

As you stood there, stunned by the sight of your empty locker room, a mixture of frustration and disbelief washed over you. How could all your belongings have disappeared? The feeling of being watched intensified, causing a shiver to run down your spine. You couldn't shake off the sensation that someone or even a group of people had been observing you.

With your mind racing, you made a decision to head to the principal's office to report the incident and seek assistance. 'This school creeps me out, I should have continued with homeschool.' You already regret going to school in the first place, thinking why you're even here and why this school? 'I should be more careful with everyone here around, I can't trust no one here....well except the girls, especially my music group girls, they seem so genuine and fun to hang around with.'

As you walked down the hallway, lost in your thoughts, you suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out to you.

"Y/n! Wait up!"

You turned around to see Mitsuya, accompanied by Hakkai, rushing towards you. They both seemed slightly nervous and fidgety.

"Oh, hey Mitsuya," you greeted him, trying to hide your concern about your missing belongings. "What's up?"

Mitsuya scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry for the sudden approach, but I wanted to remind you that we were supposed to hang out after school today. Remember? We were planning to introduce you to my sisters."

His words jogged your memory, and you realized that you had completely forgotten about the hangout. 'Oh shit...' You felt a tinge of guilt for not remembering.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry, Mitsuya. It completely slipped my mind with everything going on," you apologized sincerely. "But actually, something unexpected happened. My things got stolen, and I'm on my way to report it to the principal."

Both Mitsuya and Hakkai's eyes widened in surprise.

"Stolen? That's terrible!" Mitsuya exclaimed, his tone filled with concern.

Hakkai, who had been quiet until now, spoke up in a soft, hesitant voice. "I-I'm sorry to hear that. If there's anything we can do to help..."

You appreciated their help, but a small part of you couldn't dismiss the coincidence of their nervous behavior. It made you wonder if they could be involved somehow. 'They seem so nervous.'

"Thank you both," you replied politely, trying not to jump to conclusions. "I'll see what the principal can do about this. Maybe they can review the security cameras or something."

Mitsuya nodded vigorously. "Absolutely! We'll coming with you and report it together."

"M-me too, I-I'll help too since my brother isn't home yet and I have time." Hakkai chimes in with a thumb up.

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