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your POV

The bell rang which means it's already lunch time, I pack my things and before I could get up, the boy who sat next to my left approached me.

„H-hey y/nright? I'm Yamagashi Kazushi, nice to meet you" He exchanged his hand.
„Nice to meet you Yama....uhm...I-I'm sorry I forgot your name again." My cheeks heat up a bit embarrassed.

„It's ok, my name is Yama- gashi."
He spelled it for me to help me to spell his name right.

„Yamagashi. Now I got it. Nice to meet you Yamagashi, I'm y/n." I accept his hand shake and I could tell he flinched a bit when my hand touched his hand. Did I make him uncomfortable?

„I wanted to ask you-„
He got cut off by a black haired guy as he wrap his arm around Yamagashi's shoulder and smiled at me with a tint of blush. Wait blush? Is he blushing? And Yamagashi as well and I didn't notice it? Hmm...strange.

„Hey beautiful my name is Makoto Suzuki nice to meet you. I must say you're really pretty."
He compliments me with a cheeky smile causing me to blush a bit. „Oh...thanks, I'm y/n...Y/n. Nice to meet you as well"
I introduce myself and exchange my hand asking for a hand shake but instead he takes my hand, pulls it to his face and kiss on gently. My cheeks still red like before. His lips are so soft.
„A pleasure y/n."

And then another three guys appeare.
„I'm apologise if they behaviour unprofessionally. My name is Atsushi Sendo, but call me Akkun. Nice to meet you." He also pulls my hand to his mouth and gives it a light kiss before letting go which I didn't notice the jealously glares they are sending him.

„n-nice to meet you Akkun. No, they didn't make me uncomfortable. They are
quite good guys to hang out with."

Damn it, why do I have to stutter. Then I hear Yamagashi caugh to catch our attention. I dart my eyes towards him and so does the others.

„As I was saying. Would you like to have lunch with us at the cafeteria? We would like to get to know you."
The others looked at me with hope in their eyes. „Yeah, sure. Thanks for inviting me."

I get up from my seat and we walk outside the classroom and make our way to the cafeteria.

We talked on the way and I found out the names of the other two guys. The one with piss hair is Takemichy. And the other one who looks rather shy is Takuya. He looks so sweet and shy.

Time skip

We arrived to the cafeteria and it was for sure crowded. A lot of students walking, eating, talking and such. I Take a seat at the table with the guys. Takuya to my right and Akkun to my left.

„So Y/n what club are you in?"
Akkun asks me as I give him a confused look.
„Club? I didn't knew they have clubs here."
I respond as I take a sip of my f/d.

„There are sport club, music, art, or history club. Which one would you choose?"

Takemichy says as he starts to munch on his Doritos. „Hmm...I would choose art club or sport one."

Takemichy offers me his Doritos which I gladly accepted and I could tell he was happy and satisfied for some reason.

„I heard that only history and music clubs are the only ones available." Exclaims Yamagashi

„then that means you gotta choose history or mucus club."
Makoto chimes in leaning back on his chair.

„I choose....music then. I hate history and that would be to boring."
I spoke putting my drink down on the table. The thing is, I can play piano, guitar and e-guitar. And I can also sing but that would cost my courage and my confidence, if I even have it.

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