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At The cafeteria

Emma led you to a table, where there were other girls sitting and talking each other before Emma cleared her throat catching their attention.

"Girls. Meet y/n-chan. When I was walking to school, I was about to get harassed until she came and saved my day." Emma said as she still clinging to your arm.

All eyes are on you now. You gulp slightly before you clear your throat and smile.

"I-I'm y/n. Hope we can be friends." You kept your smile and hoped you didn't say anything to embarrass yourself.

They all were looking at you flabbergasted and also blushing. 'Blushing? Again?....damn mami 😏'

Then a girl with large yellow-orange eyes and medium-length ginger haired girl spoke up with to you with a smile and a tint of blush. Her eyes lightened up and you can tell that she is happy to see you.

"My name is Yuzuha Shiba. Nice to meet you Y/n-chan. I'm sure we can be great friends." She smiles brightly at you.

"I'm Hinata Tachibana, also nice to meet you." A girl with large coral pink eyes with her hair dyed in Burnt coral, going beyond her shoulders and a mole below her chin said getting up and holding her hand out for you.

You gladly shake her hand gently with a friendly smile. "A pleasure Hinata-chan."

'She is so pretty. Prettier than any other girl I ever seen.' Hinata blushed slightly and let go of your hand before taking her seat next to two other girls.

The others give you a friendly wave and Yuzuha sits down next to you.

"I'm Akane, I must say, you're very pretty." Said a blond girl sitting beside Hinata.

"T-Thank you, Akane-chan. You also look so pretty." You compliment her back, her cheeks tainted in pink slightly. Some of the girls felt a bit jealous of her because you complimented her and not them.

"I'm Yumi Morita, you can call me Mori." She had black hair with a two piggy tails and was almost the same height as Emma.

"And this is Yasuda." She then points to another girl next to her sitting.

She waves at you with a smile. "Hi." She has black hair styled in braids and a choppy fringe which are secured with clips in a rabbit design.

You wave back and return a smile. "Hello-" you got cut off by a loud cheerful tone.

"And I am Senju Kawaragi! Nice to meet ya!~" you look to your right where the voice came from and see a girl with short bleached hair with a big cheeky smile and tainted cheeks sitting between Yuzuha and Mori.

You wave at her awkwardly while sweat dropping. "Hi Kawar-" You get cut off again by her.

"You can call me Senju, i don't mind." She wiggled her eyebrows at you grinning slightly.

'Call me anything you like babe and i won't mind it. Let it be a whore, bitch, slave. It would be even better than my name coming out of your mouth.' Her mind was filled with thoughts about you both going on a date together and buying plushies together to feel you and her shared bed with plushies.

For a moment you thought that she was a boy if it weren't for her clothes and voice. But he could be also gay, who knows.

"So y/n-chan, do you have hobbies or any interests?" Hinata asked.

"I like to read, (your choice), watch horror movies, investigate abandoned or haunted places."You reply.

"Oh that's really interesting! Have you ever found something spooky?" Emma asked excitedly, while Akane and Senju had curious looks on their faces.

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