The Strongest Man on Earth

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While Cole and Luke were busy doing community service, Jeremiah took Dustin to visit one of his old friends on a luxurious island.

"So, what do you think?! Pretty amazing huh?"

Jeremiah welcomes Dustin into the island. Truthfully, it was a gorgeous island, full of palm trees, beautiful seawater with an exotic array of animals and the air felt like it was revitalizing you when you would breathe it in, even the sand was soft and comforting.

"What..? What is going on here?!"

"Don't worry about that now Dustin!" Jeremiah interrupted "Let us enjoy this while we can." 

Dustin walked onto the sandy beach, people were around walking everywhere, it seemed so energetic here, like the entire beach was simply bustling with energy, Dustin could feel it too, like he was being surged with power.

Jeremiah takes the lead, leading Dustin to a section of the beach where less people were at, a large bed and umbrella were set up here however.

"Alright.. he should be around here..." Jeremiah rubs his chin looking for him

"Was it really necessary to take me somewhere so far to meet this guy? What if Coles father-"

"Silence young one, we haven't the time to worry about such things, I'll just call him."

Jeremiah transforms his cane into a microphone and speaks into it, somehow projecting his voice and making it louder.

"Andrei? Are you around here somewhere? I'd prefer not to disturb these kind people on the beach."

Even though he spoke at a regular volume his voice boomed outwards, he spoke out into the ocean and when he finished speaking he saw a whale jump out of the water, when it landed it created an enormous splash.


"There we go."

"Wait what?"

Dustin looked closer and saw it begin swimming towards shore, he began getting worried, was Jeremiah's friend a giant whale? 

As it got closer Dustin saw more details, a large tattoo on the left pec running down the arm, a pair of large muscles rip through the water, and when he finally leapt out, his landing sent sand flying out in every direction.

"Кто мне позвонил?" He said, his voice deep but friendly

"My friend! It's been so long since I've seen you last!" Jeremiah said happily

"Hm? Jerry! How are you!" He had a strong Russian accent

The man was enormous, easily up to at least 7 feet tall, probably closer to 8 feet, he had large muscles, his arms especially, his energy was astounding, Dustin could tell that he was a powerful individual, as a matter of fact, as soon as he came out of the water, he felt the air become more dense, his prowess was powerful, but not intimidating.

He wore a big grin on his face after seeing Jeremiah like they hadn't seen each other in years. He had on beach shorts and no shirt, he had sunglasses that covered his eyes, his hair was white and long, reaching down to his middle back.

He picked up Jeremiah and pulled him into a tight hug before setting him back down.

"Good to see you too my friend." Jeremiah said fixing his white suit

"And who is this little one?" He looked down at Dustin like he was a lost child, which at this point he may as well be

"Ah yes, this is Dustin, my newest student!" 

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