Chapter Seven

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As I sat at the table in the dining room I thought about how this felt like meeting Wheezie and Sarah all over again. Rose started the conversation about her gardening which later turned into telling stories about Jjs childhood.

"So, Jesse, are you planning on spending the night here?" Ward asked him. "Uh, well me and Kie wanted to get a hotel-" Jj started but Rose cut him off, "Don't bother, sweetie. Our doors are always open, stay as long as you need." "You sure?" He asked them. "Of course." Ward reassured. Jj looked at me, "What do you say, Kie?" I shrugged and smiled, "I mean, yeah. I would love to." I said. Rose giggled, "I look forward into having bake offs with you-" "Rose." Jj said, cutting her off. Rose got up, grabbing her plate, "You still remember where your room used to be?"

It was 11 in the night when Sarah, John B and Pope decided to leave. "Alright, Wheezie, lets get you to bed." Ward said, getting up from the couch. "Dad, I am 15. I don't need-" "Wheeze, c'mon, baby. You have cheer practice tomorrow morning." Rose told her, getting up too. She sighed and got up, "Fine. Jj do you want to take me to practice tomorrow?" She asked. "Uh, yeah, I could do that." He answered. "Great! It starts at 8 by the way!" She added, running up the stairs. "Amazing." Jj muttered under his breath, making me laugh.


"Goodnight, you guys." Rose said, going to her bedroom upstairs. "Night." Kie answered. "Don't stay up too late." Ward added, following Rose. "We'll try." I joked. I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned off the TV. I looked down at Kiara, a soft smile displayed on her lips. "You ready to go to bed, baby?" I asked her. "Mhm, I'm pretty tired." She replied. I got up from the couch, exhaling. "Alright, let's go."

I wouldn't consider myself a 'jealous person' especially when it came to Rafe. I just hated the fact that he thought he could just 'talk' to Kiara. I was pretty happy when he left after we all finished dinner, even more when he came back from wherever and went straight up to his room.

I opened the door to my room, the smell bringing back memories like a photo book. The gray paint on the walls had faded, and the air felt like no-one had been in here since forever. My bed was still in the corner and my bathroom door was shut and so were the black curtains that were hanged, covering the window which allowed me to get the best views.

"Still looks the same." I heard Kiara say. "Yeah, just how I left it, huh?" I replied. "Shit." "What?" I asked, looking at her. "I left my suitcase in the car." She explained. "I can go get-" I started but she cut me off. "No, its fine. Give me the keys." "Be careful going down the stairs, that shit is narrow." I warned her. "I'll be so careful." She joked, before leaving.

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