Chapter Eleven

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I woke up around 3:42 in the morning, having the urgent need to pee. I turned around, seeing Jj fast asleep. I was about to get up when I saw a pool of blood by his pillow which was coming from his nose.


I shook him, trying to get him to wake up. "Jage, baby, get up." "Kie, what?" He asked, stirring. "Hey, c'mon, wake up." I said, softly, trying to sound calm as possible, knowing damn well blood freaked me out. He opened his eyes, rubbing them. "You're bleeding." I told him. He touched his nose, his fingers now pooled with blood as well.

"Shit." He cursed, sitting up. I saw more dried blood on the side of his face. "Baby, it's just my concussion." He explained. "I told you we shouldn't have fucked-" I started but he cut me off. "Right, well I didn't hear you complaining whenever we were doing it."

I didn't say anything, how was this my fault? He was the one who decided to ride his stupid bike without a helmet, and he was mad at me?

I felt him touch my hand. "Fuck, I'm sorry, Kie. I didn't mean to snap at you like that, that's my bad. Uh, do you think you can go get me something to clean this up?" He asked. "Yeah." I responded, softly and got out of the bed.
I closed the door behind me, and grabbed a towel, soaking it.
I don't know why I felt like shit all of a sudden. It's just that ever since we came back we've been fighting non-stop, and I didn't even know why.

I sighed and opened the door, handing him the towel and crawling back on the bed. "Hey, Kie?" He said softly. "Mhm?" "I just wanna say I'm sorry for earlier." He explained, looking down at me. "It wasn't cool and um... the 20 dollars weren't worth ending up in the hospital and neither was ruining Sarah's event." He added. I smiled, "Just promise you won't be stupid again, and ride your bike without your helmet." I told him. "Stupid things have-" he started but I cut him off, "Good outcomes all the time." I finished, chuckling. "I'm kidding. I promise I won't be stupid again and ride my bike without my helmet." He said.

And for once I believed him.

I opened my arms and he threw the towel on the floor, wrapping his arms around my waist while he nuzzled his head on my shoulder.

"I love you." I said, softly, kissing his head. "I love you more."

Morning ☀️


What the heck was taking him so long? I asked myself as I waited for Jj downstairs. I was wanting to go 15 mins earlier to go pre-warm up.

I groaned and set my stuff down and headed upstairs. This time I didn't knock or shout, I simply just opened the door to his room.

Unsurprisingly, he was still in bed, Kiara beside him. I walked over to them, how messy did someone have to be to leave their clothes on the floor? Ancient Egyptians didn't just make laundry baskets for no reason. I almost laughed when I saw white stains on the bed sheets, who would be dumb enough to bleach their black sheets?

"Jj." I called out, when I was close to him. "Hello? Did you forget you had to take me to practice?" I asked, when he didn't wake up. Kiara sat up, quickly covering her body with the blanket. "Wheeze!" She exclaimed, "What-what are you doing in here?" She asked me. "Jj needs to take me to cheer practice." I said, simply.

"Go back to bed, it's too early for this shit, Wheezie." Jj spoke, sounding tired.
I sighed, "Shut up, Jj. Have you ever heard of self care? If you would then your sheets wouldn't have bleach stains on them and your clothes wouldn't be on the ground." I spat.

Jj laughed, "That's not bleach stains-" He started to speak but Kiara cut him off, "Wheeze, give me 5 minutes and I'll take you to practice." She told me. I shrugged, "Sounds good to me." I started making my way to the door.

"Say 'hi' to Georgia for me." Jj called out, knowing I didn't like her. "Whatever." I responded, slamming the door shut and going downstairs.

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