Chapter 2: Dusty

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Coco's POV
I rounded up Akira, Izzy and Paisley. "So you're new to the school?" Akira asked Izzy. Izzy nodded. We walked along the halls. Everyone was crowded around something. "What's going on?" I asked my friends. "I don't know, but let's go see!" Izzy replied. We squished our way through the crowd. I saw a dashingly handsome cat I'd never seen before. His fangs were white, his fur was slick and grey and his eyes were amazing! He started to talk. "Guys! Please don't fuss, I'm just trying to get to my locker." He said smiling. He sounded a bit like Cosmo, but he probably didn't mind the fuss. His locker was in between Duke and Elton. All us girl cats were staring intently, he really was um, well great! Not that I sound like the other girls though. Paisley had no idea what was going on. "What's so special about him?" Paisley asked us. "Nothing, trust me." Akira responded. NOTHING? This was the most handsome cat in the world!! What was she going on about? "What do yo-" I would've finished my sentence of that cat didn't look our way and winked. Izzy and I sighed. "Cut it out you two!" Akira snapped at us. We quickly snapped out of it, but why was she being so mean? Stewart came out of nowhere. "Wow he's very... handsome." He commented. "You are so right! But what even is his name?" Izzy agreed with Stewart. "Um, his name is on his locker." He pointed out to her. I looked. 'DUSTY'. Dusty? His name is Dusty. Cosmo was rolling his eyes. Cosmo stood in front of Dusty. "Okay that's enough NOW. I told you to lay low!" He said while gritting his teeth.

Cosmo's POV
Dusty is my younger brother. I convinced him not to start school earlier in the year for obvious reasons. But he decided to join this term! I told him to lay low every single day after he decided. He did the opposite. Others tend to like me more when they don't know my brother exists. We don't exactly look alike, but we're still brothers. I also told Dusty he could join my friend group as long as he laid low. That was stupid, my friend group is the most popular boy group in the school. Now he's technically protected under an alliance he doesn't even know about. At least amber doesn't like him. Wait does she?! Oh no! No, Cosmo she doesn't! The bell rang. Second class. Let me check my schedule.. every term we get a new schedule. History. I go to history on the second floor. I walk in, Aina and Dusty are in there chatting. Aina likes Dusty for sure. She's blushing while chatting to him. I sat next to Dusty on the other side of him. Once everyone had arrived to History class, all the girl cats were staring at Dusty. Ugh so annoying! "Hello everyone, for the first part of History term 4, we'll be learning about the Chernobyl Disaster." The teacher writes 'Chernobyl Disaster' on the board. He blabs on about the Chernobyl disaster. Whatever that was.  I was staring blankly into a space in the room. Dusty nudged me WHAT NOW?! "Why aren't you taking notes? Don't want you to fail." He winked at me. Dusty always acts like the big brother when it's actually me, by a couple of minutes. I feel like stabbing my pencil into his notes then ripping them to shreds. It would be fun and I would certainly would want to do it. But I don't have the guts to. I'm scared what others will think after I do it, I'm more insecure than most think. Dusty's the only one who knows that. It's like he can see right through you. That's what I hate most about him, him always knowing something's up, him always knowing that I'm in a mood and finally, him constantly asking me if I'm okay. I don't need his reassurance. Or his concern for that matter. I'm fine on my own. I refuse to be the baby, I will be stronger and I will be better. After I start listening to this thing about Chernobyl Disaster. I really don't want to get an F on my homework, again Dusty's right! I hate it when he's right.

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