Chapter 7: Frisbee + Dusty = Better

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Aina's POV
It's after recess and I'm having my first training session for the frisbee team. Frisbee is a sport made by dogs. There is one frisbee and one goalie. Kind of like soccer. But the goal is just an inch higher than the goalie, which is adjusted to correct height for different goalies. How to get a goal, after passing your frisbee around without getting intercepted you have to throw it with your mouth to the bulls eye. But you can only touch it with your mouth unless you're the goalie. Although we use advanced frisbees that clean themselves quickly after someone's slobber has been on them so it's fine. We started to practice. I'm the goalie. The only other members of the frisbee team I know of is Maggie, Stewart and Thor. I only did this because Thor was doing it. I wanted to do a sport mainly to impress Dusty. Okay you get the idea, I like Dusty. But I'm keeping it on the low down. But lots of girls like Dusty. The game has started. I wish Thor was on my practice team, the rest are just... ugh. Stewart aims for the bulls eye 1 inch above my head. I know he won't make it. He misses. Ha! I collect the frisbee and give it to Maggie. I remember when I used to be best friends with Maggie, it was only because I was best friends with Nova. Oh and Gypsy and Flossie as well. The only reason I became friends with them was because  Flossie is famous but it gained me no popularity whatsoever! It's not my fault Nova got close to me and I left them and her for Amber and Glitter. It's her problem to be honest. Oh shoot! Thor got a goal on the bulls eye. Hey at least it was Thor and not some dweeb like Stewart. But then again I missed. "Oh come on Aina! How could you miss that?" Maggie was saying to me. Would she stop it? Not like she could do anything better, she's shorter than me! "Oh shut up, or you'll be in trouble missy." I told her. She's scared of me alright. She slowly backed away from me. That's more like it. Don't talk to me like that! Then I saw Dusty walking around on his pet phone. Ooh he has one too! How do I not have his number?! I ran up to him during the break. "Hi!" I greeted him. He looked up from his phone and  did a small smile. "Hi." He said chill and looked back at his phone. "So... who are you talking to?" I asked him. I have no idea if he's talking to someone or doing something else. "Coco." COCO? LOCO? Not. Today. You know what? Can't upset him just ask if he wants my number. "Hey I can give you my number so we can well... chat!" I said. It may have sound awkward but it wasn't. "Um sure." He said looking at his phone still. I can't tell if he even likes me or not. We exchanged numbers and I began talking to Dusty even though he was still right next to me. His phone beeped when I said hi. But it didn't beep when Coco was talking. "Why is mine beeping but Coco's wasn't?" He looked up at me. "Oh I put my contacts messages on no alerts." Dusty told me. How smart...




Although i think I'm healing as I now have his number.

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