Chapter 14: Nervous

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Week 3 Wednesday
Stewart's POV
It's nerve wracking, I'll tell you that. What am I talking about? You may be wondering, it's my first frisbee game after lunch. So... I'm excited. But also nervous. "Atlas, what should I eat?" I asked him in the lane. "Copy my plate." I nodded. Burger, Pear Slices, Peas and some... oh wait I can't get a dog treat. I have to get a cat one. 'Tika Cat Stix, Chicken with Gravy Flavor.' Huh I'll try that. Wait what drink did he get?! Oh milk. I sat down with my friends. "So, Stewart, you excited." Bailey asked me. I nodded slowly. He could sense that wasn't totally the case. He stared me down until I told him. "I am excited but nervous." Bailey and Elton smiled at each other. But more of a calm smile. "Stewart, it's fine to be nervous or have worries, but I'm telling you there's nothing to be worried about. Like when Bailey and I did swimming." Elton said to me. I have good friends.

~on the bus~

We all got on the bus. I decided to sit with Mishka, she's one of the cheerleaders. Because we're going to little red to play, they're coming too."Are you nervous for your first cheerleading thingy?" I asked her. "Hm, not really, I'm quite confident it'll be fine." Wow I wish I was like Mishka and thought like that. Normally, I would've thought that Artemis and Mishka would sit together on the bus because they're best friends but they're having a feud right now. We've all been taking sides secretly. Don't tell Mishka, but I'm on Artemis' side. Artemis just didn't want to dance with anyone and Mishka was being pushy. But I don't think either of them were mean. It's more Mishka that's pretty angry. The bus arrived at Little Red. A cat was waiting there. We all got off. "Hello, I'm Bree, school captain of Little Red. You are the DSP frisbee team and cheerleaders?" "Um yeah who else would we be?" Aina said rudely to her. The coach nudged her. Bree didn't seem impressed with Aina. "Follow me then." She said sternly and we walked with her to a field. Little Red was sitting in the stands, the team was getting ready with their uniform and positions. The cheerleaders were positioned. "Okay so DSP's got the left side of the court, down there and cheerleaders, go next to ours." We nodded and took our places. Their uniform was red and black. This was also my first time wearing my t-shirt. We figured out the positions and we were ready! Aina was our goalie. Maggie was our jumper. I was just a normal player along with Thor and some others. In frisbee, unless you're goalie you can only touch the frisbee with your mouth. But it's a smart one which sanitizes in the air after being thrown. It's only because cats decided to join the teams. If it was just dogs, then they probably would've done a normal one. But cats don't want dog slobber in their mouth, including me because I'm a cat. The cheerleaders of Little Red started their chant. "Go Little Red! We're going to beat them like eggs. Scramble them up and then we win! Go Little Red!" Little Red erupted into cheer. That is the weirdest- you know what? Just never mind. "Go DSP! We're truly the best and impossible to beat! Go DSP!" Our cheerleaders chanted. "Yay! Woohoo!" I yelled after clapping. I was the only one so I stopped. Then the game started. Little Red was very good! They shot for the goal, Aina was on her phone not watching and they scored! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED YOUR PHONE DURING THE MATCH. "Aina!" We all said at her. "What?" She said rudely. Every time we attempted to score the ball, their goalie defended it ever time and Aina kept missing it!

~at the end~

Little Red had scored their winning point on the buzzer. They cheered in the air and lifted their captain in the air. I still can't believe Aina's our captain. She doesn't even do anything. "Oh my goodness, we need to get better everyone!" She lectured us. "We need to get better? You weren't even trying!" Maggie snapped at her. Maggie did a wrong move. Aina was truly angry, woo I worry for Maggie now. Aina shook their captains paw. Then we headed off. I sat next to Artemis this time. Once we arrived back at DSP, we broke the news that we had loss. But they were all supportive.

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