Chapter 2

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I run through the forest that neighbours the manor. I enjoy going for morning runs, although there isn't always time, but I try and get out for one on days when I'm not busy. It's always spring at my court, so I don't have to worry about the weather. I love the feeling of the spring breeze blowing through my long blonde hair and the smell of the fresh flowers that blossom in the woods.

I return to the manor, where my dad is waiting at the breakfast table. "Good morning, dad." I greet my dad as I walk into the dining room.
"Good morning, April." My dad responds. He always waits for me to return from my early morning runs to make sure I'm safe. He has always been wary, ever since the High Lord of the Night Court stole one of the only women he loved. "I've already eaten April, but your breakfast is waiting. I have to go and meet with some of the fae from a nearby village. I'll see you later." My dad says as he stands to leave the room.
"Sounds fun. I'll see you later dad." I respond as I dig into my breakfast.

My dad has always been a good High Lord. He only wants what is best for his court. He once stayed up all night listening to a couple complain about their next door neighbours. He once spent a week sleeping in a barn while he was helping rebuild a village. I didn't know how I would one day live up to his standards when I became High Lady.

I finish eating my breakfast, and I have a bath in my room, I take a book out to the garden to read. This is also one of my favourite pass times, sitting on one of the benches out in one of the many gardens at the manor and reading a book. I always had time. My dad had never seen a reason to train me in combat, but I had taught myself how to use daggers in my free time just in case I ever found myself in a situation where I needed to defend myself. He did teach me how to harness my powers. I hadn't inherited his power to fully change my shape, but I could grow claws and fangs. I also inherited the powers to control the plant life around me, and the ability to talk to and control animals from my mysterious mother.

I spent the day reading and helping the staff prepare for Calanmai, the Great Rite where my dad put power into the ground. This year my dad was inviting representatives from all the courts, bar the Night Court. I couldn't wait. There was always a bonfire and the party blasted all night. My dad always left halfway through, after choosing the female he'd be with for the night, but that never dulled the party. I have never missed a single Great Rite. I'm always there to support my dad, and represent him after he left.

My dad returned later that evening, just in time to eat dinner with me. "Calanmai is the day after tomorrow. We need to finish the preparations by tomorrow evening." My dad says as we finish off eating our dinner.
"We just need to build the bonfire and set out the chairs and tables." I tell him. I've been in charge of preparing the celebration for the last century. I have been keeping track of what has been done or not.
"Wonderful. Just to let you know, security is tightening tomorrow with the arrival of guests from other courts." My father says as he looks down at a list of guests.
"That's fine dad. I'm going to get an early night since I have a busy day of preparations tomorrow." I say as I rise from my seat.
"Ok April. Have a good night, I'll see you tomorrow morning." My dad says as he looks down at his list again.

When I reach my room, I change and climb into bed. I close my eyes and drift into sleep. That night I dream of the same pair of blue eyes that I had been for the last few months.

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