Chapter 17

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Please go and check out my new story, A Guide To Planning A Great Greek Wedding and my instagram: BookWonderland13

I also don't really like writing battle scenes, but here it is...

The Spring and Autumn Courts were coming. As soon as the words had left Azriel's mouth, the whole tent erupted into pandemonium. Cassian, Azriel and Rhys jumped up and ran out of the tent, and their shouts could be heard all through the camp as they rallied up the soldiers. Feyre, Amren, Mor and Nesta ran around the tent gathering up weapons, then ran out of the tent themselves to go and find the other three. That left just me and Nyx in the tent.

Are you ready for this April ? Nyx asks me through the bond as he stands up, and holds out his hand to me. I take it and he pulls me out of my seat.
Yes, I want to fight for my freedom, and I want to do it by your side. I respond. I may not be the best fighter, but I didn't want to be helpless again.

Me and Nyx leave the tent, to find the camp filled with people running around, preparing for the upcoming battle.  Cassian is stood on a chair in the middle of the camp, screaming at soldiers to gather their weapons, and get into position.

Fifteen minutes later, the army was marching to the border, and lining up in a defensive wall on Illyrians to block the Spring and Autumn Courts' way into the Night Court. I wait behind the lines with Feyre, Nesta, and Mor. We are waiting for the army to arrive, before we show ourselves in battle.

An hour after we had positioned ourselves at the border, we hear the oncoming army marching towards our's. This was it. This was the moment where my life would be decided. Either I would be free to live the rest of my life here in the Night Court with my mate, or I'd be forced to marry someone I don't or will never love.

I hear my father's voice carry over the wind, "Give us April, and there will be no battle."
I then hear a much more promising voice call from up a head. "Unfortunately for you, April doesn't want to return to the Spring Court with you. So she will be staying here, with me. Her mate." Nyx proclaims to the armies.
"What?" I hear Eris and my father say in unison.

I need to face the males who were trying to chose how I was going to live me life. I push my way forward, through the line of soldiers, until I'm standing next to Nyx, Rhys, Cassian and Azriel. No one stopped me. All eyes from both armies fell on me.

"I'm not coming back to the Spring Court. And I'm not marrying Eris. I've made my choice. I'm staying here. In the Night Court. With Nyx, son of Feyre and Rhysand, heir to the Night Court. My mate." I declare to the armies.
"My dear, these people must be threatening you. Come home. Come back to the Spring Court." My father says, in a voice which he used with me when I was a child.
"No, I am home. Now, before you make a massive mistake, take your army, and leave." I spit at my father.
"Now April, you don't know what you're speaking about." Eris says to me.
That was the final straw. "Yes. I do." I say to Eris and my father. "Nyx, you know what happens now." I say to my mate.
"Yes I do. Night Court! Charge!" My mate screams, and the soldiers charge forward, at the shocked Spring and Autumn Court soldiers.

The sound of metal on metal rings through the air. I see Cassian soar over my head, diving into a ring of enemy soldiers. I see Azriel stab one with his dagger, and I see Rhys and Nyx, back to back, fighting a group of soldiers, and know that I need to go and help.

I run across the battlefield, using my powers to clear a path for myself. I was throwing enemy soldiers away form my PE, so I could make it to my mate.

Once I reach them, I summon some vines, and the soldiers attacking Nyx and his father, are tripped, strangled and tossed aside like rag dolls. Thank you April. Nyx says to me through the bond, and Rhys smiles at me, before unfolding his wings and taking to the skies, to join Cassian and Azriel, leaving me and Nyx together on the ground.

I spot Mor and Feyre on one side of the battlefield, locked in combat with Eris and Beron. Nyx had taken my hand the two of us fight off more of the enemy soldiers.

All is going well, until I sight my father stalking across the battlefield towards us. Nyx, my father. I send through the bond. I didn't know if I was quite ready to face him yet.
Do you want to leave? He asks me. Even if I wasn't quite ready to face him, I don't think I ever would. Now was just a good of a time as any to face him.
No, I need to speak to him. I respond.
I'll be right at your side. Nyx says, taking my hand.

I walk towards my father, and meet him in the middle of the battle. "I'm staying here father. I don't want to marry Eris. I want to be with my mate." I argue.
"April, don't be ridiculous. You don't actually want to be here. You need to be back at the Spring Court, where you are safe." My father argues back.
"No. I'm just as safe here as in the Spring Court. I'm not coming with you." I say to him, looking dead into his green eyes.
"Well, then if you won't come willingly..." My father begins, drawing his sword and beginning to swipe it towards me.

I close my eyes, waiting for the blow which would knock me out. It never came. Instead, I heard the clash of metal on metal. I open my eyes, and see Nyx in front of me, with his sword raised, defending me.

Nyx and my father begin to duel, and the whole battle field stops what they were doing to watch. Minutes pass, and finally, Nyx disarms my father, and places his sword to my father's neck.

"Nyx, don't kill him." I say to my mate, to my father I say, "It's over father. I'll give you five minutes to leave this battle field, if you aren't gone, I'll let Nyx kill you."

Nyx releases my father, and he looks at me with a mix of horror, anger and regret in his eyes. Him and Eris gather the armies and they begin to march away.

The Night Court cheers. The battle having been won. I run to Nyx and we hug. I was free. I was finally free. I was finally free from my father.

As we make our way back to camp, all my thoughts were of what was to happen next.

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