Chapter 16

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The next week was filled with preparations for the upcoming attack from the Spring Court. I barely saw Cassian and Azriel as they were the busiest in these preparations. Cassian was gathering an army and sorting the defences, and Azriel had spies keeping an eye on the Spring Court, waiting for the word that the attack was coming.

Amren and Rhys were putting extra wards up around the city, to ensure the safety of the people living in the city. I was spending my time telling anyone who was at the river house about my father's fighting strategies, to give us the upper hand in any battle. I was also practicing my abilities, since I was a little out of practice, since I had no need to use them while I was in Velaris.

The citizens of the city had been informed about the upcoming battle against the Spring and Autumn Courts. Rhys said that he never liked keeping them in the dark about what was happening outside of the city. The city was still running as usual though.

The day before the end of the week that my father had said that the Night Court had to return me to him, we all went down to the border, where Cassian had set up defences. There was a camp where we would be waiting for the attack to come.

It is now the day when my father had wanted me to be returned be. The whole camp was on edge, waiting for the warning from Azriel's spies of the income attack from the Spring and Autumn Courts. Rhys and Nyx seemed to be the most worried. Both had experienced their mates being imprisoned by the High Lord of the Spring Court.

As the sun was beginning to set, we were all sat around in one of the main tents. We were all sat in silence, we had expected the attack to have started by now. We were all beginning to get impatient, we all wanted this to be over with. We all wanted my father to be put in his place.

Just before we all went to our own tents for the night, Azriel jumped out of his seat. We all looked at him. We all knew what he was about to say.

"The Spring and Autumn Courts are coming, they're winnowing up. They'll be here in half an hour."

Sorry for the short chapter . I'm writing my other story at the same time, and I didn't have many ideas for this chapter. Battle chapter next!!

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