Chapter 3

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The next day was packed full of preparations for the next day. Piles of stickers were being built up into a bonfire, and a tables and chairs are covering the nearby hill to accommodate all the guests. By early afternoon, the first of the guests had started arriving. I had made sure that I was wearing one of my nicest dresses since representatives from all the courts, not including the Night Court, would be arriving throughout the afternoon and evening.

I didn't see my dad for that whole day. He was busy greeting guests and preparing for the ritual he would perform the next day. I ate dinner alone in my room since I didn't want to be in the way of the guests. My dad had told me that I would be best if I stayed out of the guests way while they were here. I finished my dinner and one of the staff came and grabbed my plate from my room. I selected out a pastel pink gown for the next day and laid it over my chair. I grabbed one of my favourite tiaras and a pair of heels and laid them next to the gown. It would help me be less stressed in the morning when I would have to be finishing off the last preparations.

I had a bath and changed into my night clothes. I lay in bed reading for an hour before I settled down to sleep. I closed my eyes and after a while I drifted off to sleep. I dreamed of those blue eyes again.

I woke up early the next morning when a member of our staff knocked on my door with my breakfast. I accepted the dish and sat on my bed and quickly ate the bread, meat and fruit my dad had the kitchen sent up for me. I didn't have time to reflect on that night's dream. I had to get ready for the day.

I dressed in my pastel pink gown and styled my hair in a half up, half down style and placed my tiara on my head. Today would be fine. It had been every year. It was just the usual pre event nerves.

I went down stairs to see the staff running around putting the final preparation in place. The celebration began at sun down when my dad would perform the ritual and then select the female he'd spend the night with. I would be representing him once he was gone.

As sun down neared, the guests all went up to the hill to take their seats. I took my seat in the front row and the sun began to set. The ceremony went by smoothly, and the ritual was successfully completed. Once my dad had lit the bonfire, he left for the cave for the night with a female from the Spring Court and the celebration began.

There were hundreds of fae up on the hill. I greeted all the representatives from the other courts and thanked them all for attending. The music had started and the some of the fae began to dance. The bonfire was burning bright and some of the guests were gathered around it sharing stories. I was relieved that the night was going smoothly so far. I continued to weave between tables, talking to guests from all the courts.

"Lady April!" I hear Beron, the High Lord of the Autumn Court call me over to where he was sitting.
"Hello Beron. It's lovely to see you." I greet. My dad has close ties with the Autumn Court, so I have known him for most of my life.
"This is a wonderful party you have here. I want to propose an idea to you. You know your father is onboard with it as well." He starts. Here we go again.
"I know. But my answer is still the same. I'm not marrying Eris." I respond. This is the Sam answer I have given for the last two hundred years.
"I know, but if you just consider it..." He continues.
I was felling very overwhelmed now. "If you excuse me Beron. I'm going to grab a drink."

I quickly walked away from the table where he was sitting. I weave through the crowd right to the edge of the party. I take a deep breath of air. I hear a rustle in the grass behind me.  I abruptly turn around to see what or who it was and crash into someone. He has a set of large black wings and his hair is midnight black. I looked into his face to apologise. My green eyes meet his. The blue eyes I have been dreaming of.

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