Chapter 9

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We walk through the city. I look all around, taking it all in. This would be my home for the foreseeable future, since I wouldn't be returning to the Spring Court anytime soon. We continue to walk through the city, until we reach an estate on the edge of the river. "Is this where you live?" I ask Nyx as we walk down the front path.
"Yes, I live here with my parents. You'll be staying here during your time in the Night Court." Nyx responds.

Once we reach the house, he leads me through the front door and into a hallway. "My family are in the living room. You can either meet them now, or you can go to bed and meet them tomorrow." He offers.
"I'll meet them now." I choose. I'd rather know who I was staying with now. Nyx had told me all about them, so I felt like I already knew them, but I wanted to meet them in person. I wasn't even nervous to meet the. Me from a few months ago would be terrified walking into a room of who my father deemed the enemy, I didn't want to call, him dad anymore. He had tried to marry me off to Eris, and he locked me in the manor. He didn't deserve to be called dad. But the me from now wasn't. My father had betrayed my trust, and Nyx and his family were willing to help me.

"Nyx pushes a door open, leads me into a room and calls, "Guys, I'm back. This is April. She's the one I've been telling you about. She'll be staying here for now."
"April! It's lovely to meet you." A female, who I'm guessing is Feyre jumps out of her seat and runs to me and hugs me, "I'm so sorry about what happened. No one deserves to be locked inside. You can stay here as long as you want."
"Feyre darling, give our guest some space. I know you're happy that she's safe, but just give her room to breathe." A male, who I'm guessing is Rhysand stands up and approaches us. "Hello April, my name is Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. As Feyre said, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need. You're safe from both Tamlin, Beron and Eris while you're here in Velaris.
"Thank you, Rhysand." I respond.
"Please, call me Rhys." Rhys says.
"Thank you, Rhys." I repeat.

Everyone in the room introduces themselves, and half an hour after introductions before Nyx leads me up the stairs. "They mean well, even if they seem to be demanding answers." Nyx says as we finish walking up the stairs.
"It's fine Nyx. They've greeted me better than my father ever did." I respond.
"That's good April. They'll be your family while you're here. Just like I will, they'll help you if you need anything, they will respect any choice you make and they won't ever make you do anything you don't want. I'll show you around the city in the morning." Nyx says. We've stopped outside a pair of rooms now.
"That's sounds wonderful Nyx." I respond.
"This will be your room. You'll find clothes, toiletries and plenty of books in there." He says pointing at the door on the right. "And my room is right next door." He points to the room on the left.
"Thank you Nyx. Thank you for saving me, and thank you for bringing me here." I say to him.
"It's no problem April. Good night, I'll see you in the morning." He says.
"Good night Nyx." I respond before I push open the door, and walk into my new room.

The room is bigger than my room back at the manor in the Spring Court. There is a large bed in the middle, a wardrobe full of clothes in similar colours to the stuff I was wearing back in the Spring Court, but the style was slightly different. The bathroom was also much bigger than my one back at the Spring Court. The bath would be big enough for me to swim in.

I change into the first clothes that remotely looked like night clothes, and climbed into the bed. I curled up under the blankets. Today had been long. First I find out that my father was trying to marry me to Eris, then he locks me in the manor and I spent a day with no hope that I'll ever escape. Then, in the middle of the night, Nyx shows up and rescues me and gives me a home at the Night Court.

I didn't have to worry about my father any more. He, Beron and Eris would wake up tomorrow and find me missing. They won't know where I am, or who I was with. But I didn't care. I knew I was safe in Velaris, and that I never had to go back to the old home I had left behind. I close my eyes, and as I drift into sleep, I think about the life I was going to build myself in the Night Court.

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