Chapter 11

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Over the next two weeks, I settled into my new life in the Night Court. I spend my days wandering through the markets, talking with Nyx's family, they had all taken a liking to me, and they all wanted to spend time with me. I wasn't use to all this attention, from people who genuinely cared about what I wanted. I fit into their little family, and they all accepted me into their little circle.

Nyx returned exactly two weeks after he left. He looked extremely tired as he walked into the living room, where I was curled up in an armchair reading, Rhys was busy looking very papers on one of the sofas, and Feyre as sat in one of the other armchairs drawing Rhys. "Welcome home, Nyx. Is everything ok?" Feyre asks him as he throws himself down on one of the sofas.
"It's been a long two weeks. The camp lord is refusing to stop wing clipping, and I have spent the last two weeks trying to find all the tools they use for the wing clipping, and disposing of them. I then had to get some of Az's shadows to watch over the camp, and to top off the last two weeks, I then had to go to all the tool suppliers, and tell them not to send tools to that camp." Nyx recounts.
"At least you managed to stop the wing clipping in that camp." Rhys says to him.

Nyx stays on the sofa for the next half an hour before announcing that he was going up to bed. I had just finished the chapter in my book, so I followed him up the stairs. "How has your time in the Night Court been so far?" Nyx asks me as we reach the landing.
"I've had a good time. Your family has accepted me, and I feel like I belong in this court." I tell him.
"That's wonderful April. We'll spend tomorrow together." Nyx says as he yawns. "I want to show you some of my favour parts of the Night Court."
"That sounds lovely. Now, go and get into bed before you fall asleep on the landing." I respond.
"Goodnight April." He says as he pushes open his bedroom door.
"Goodnight Nyx."  I say as I push open my door.

I climb into bed and lie awake. I couldn't help but think that the peace I had found in Velaris couldn't last forever. I drift into sleep, and dream of Nyx's eyes.

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