Chapter 14

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The frenzy lasted a whole week. No one saw either of us, but no doubt they knew what had happened. After a week, Nyx lead me out of his room, and down into the living from of the river house where his whole family was waiting. "Long time no see." Cassian says from one of the sofas. "Have fun kids?"
"Cassian, no." Nyx says to his uncle. "Guys, April has accepted the mating bond, and we are officially mates." He announces to the whole room. "They've known that you were my mate ever since I returned from Calanmai." He whispers to me. I wasn't even annoyed at him for telling them before me.

The whole room erupts into joyous cries, and congratulations. You'd think we had just announced that we were getting married, which I assumed we would be, eventually. After I had been hugged by everyone in the room, Rhys looks at me and says, "Welcome to the family April."
"Thank you." I respond.
"I need to talk with Nyx. Why don't you go out for some fresh air? You haven't had much over the last week." Rhys says while looking at Nyx.
"I'll see you all later then." I say as I walk out of the living room and out the front door.

I spend the rest of the walking through the city. I wasn't in the mood to go to the markets, so I settled for the art gallery. I had fun looking at all the art, but I wanted to go home and see Nyx. So I left the art gallery and walked back to the river house. I'd been gone for a few hours, so I assumed that Nyx had finished talking to his father.

"I'm back." I called into the house. There was no response. "Hello?" I called again as I walked through the hall to the living room. When I walked in, they were all sat where I had left them a few hours ago. Nyx stood up and walked over to me and hugged me. Once he released me, I looked around the room at all, the solemn faces. "Is everything okay? What's going on?" I ask the room.

Nyx is the one to respond after a moment of silence. "April, your father knows you're here. He's demanding that you are returned to him."

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