Chapter 6

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I woke up a hour before sunrise, the agreed meeting time. I chose to wear a pastel purple dress and styled my hair in a single braid down my back. It was still dark outside when I climbed out of my window. My dad didn't mind when I left the manor, as long as it wasn't dark outside. He wouldn't like to find out that I was leaving the manor while it was till dark. He especially wouldn't be happy if he found out it was to meet up with the son of the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court. But he would never know. I had made sure to slip the guards who would be patrolling under my window a sleeping draught at dinner so they wouldn't see me climb out.

I used my powers to create vines to climb down, and I managed to reach the floor in just under five minutes. I snuck through the gardens, and made it to the wall. I couldn't use the gates as there would be multiple guards there, so the wall was my best bet at not getting caught. I used my powers again to climb up the wall and safely make it to the ground on the other side. I walk into the forest as the sun was rising. I didn't know where Nyx would be. He had just said in the forest. I make it to a part of the forest where the trees have formed a circular clearing, which had a pool in the middle that was reflecting the rising sun. "Where is he?" I mutter to myself under my breath.

"You're late April." Nyx says as he melts out of the shadows of the trees.
I jump. I didn't expect him to just appear. "I'm not late. You said sunrise, and it is sunrise. I'm on time."
"If you say so April. You look pretty today." He says to me.
"Thank you." I respond smiling. I can't remember the last time someone gave me a compliment.
"I wanted to tell you a story today." He says to me.
"I like stories. What is this story about?" I respond.
"You have probably heard it before, but I know the story Tamlin has told you and I know that he has twisted it. You have to know the truth."
"What do you mean my dad has twisted it?" I ask. Did he just ask to meet me to try and confuse me?
"I'm going to tell you the story of my parents, Feyre and Rhysand. I ask that you don't interrupt me, and save any questions that you may have until the end." Nyx says.
"Fine then. Tell me the story, but I can't promise that I'll believe it." I respond as we sit down on the edge of the pool.

"Forty nine years before my parents met, the queen Amarantha cursed my dad. She took his powers into her control and had him be her lover for all these years. She used him for his body for forty nine years. You know that my mother killed one of your father's soldiers and got brought to Prythian to live at the Spring Court.

My parents first met at Calanmai. Just like us. My father saved my mother from some males who were attempting to take her to bed. My father scared them away, and one of my mother's friends came and found her. They didn't see each other again until Under The Mountain, where your father was being held captive by Amarantha. My mother had to complete three tasks, and a task would be held every month or she could solve a riddle, which I know you know. My mother was held prisoner, in a cell in between each task. She was injured, and she knew that she wouldn't survive. My father also knew this. He offered he the deal that he would heal her if she agreed to spend  week every month with him in the Night Court. She agreed, as you know.

When it got to the third task, she had to kill three fae. The third was your father. She solved the riddle and a battle followed, where my mother was killed. My father felt her die, and in that moment, he knew that she was his mate. He had thought they were mates from the moment that they first met, but her dying confirmed it. Your father killed Amarantha, but this is where my story differs from your father's. My father was the one who convinced all the High Lords to give a small amount of power to my mother to resurrect her a turn her into a fae.

Tamlin took my mother back to the Spring Court, and they planned to get married. My father had never planned on calling in on the deal. He was willing to let her marry someone else if it meant that she was happy. Three months after escaping from Under The Mountain, it was my mother and your father's wedding day. My mother had requested that there would be no red flowers at the wedding as they reminded her of blood. My father had planned to go and get drunk on their wedding day. But, when my mother began to walk down the aisle, the petals on the floor turned from white to red. She stopped and began to panic. My father sensed the panic and fear and went to the wedding to save her. He called in the bargain.

This continued for a few months, my mother spending one week a month at the Night Court with my father. Tamlin was refusing to train my mother in combat or her new powers. She was unhappy, and when he left one day, she wanted to go with him. But she couldn't leave the manor. Your father had cast a spell over the manor which trapped her there. My father sensed her fear, and him and his cousin took her to the Night Court. She wasn't forced to leave Tamlin, she chose to.

Over the next few months, my parents began to fall in love. They were attacked by some of your father's and Hybern's soldiers. My father got injured, and the Suriel told my mother that he was her mate. My mother was mad at him, but she went back and healed him, then left for a cabin in the woods. She spent a few weeks there alone, before my father found her. He told her his story and she accepted the mating bond. Willing. My father didn't force her to do anything.

They returned to the Night Court, and the night before the went to Hybern, my father swore my mother in as his High Lady. My mother returned to the Spring Court to act as a spy. You father was siding with Hybern, just to go against my father. My mother escaped with her friend, and they made their way back to the Night Court.  They won the war against Hybern, then they had me a few years later. That's the true story. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to. But I just wanted you to know that what you have been told is a lie."

I sit and stare at him. I don't know what to think. I believed him. I had always had a feeling my dad hadn't been telling the full truth. I had a thing where I could tell whether someone was lying to me. I could tell Nyx wasn't lying. I felt betrayed by my dad, but I also knew that he had been hurt by Rhysand.

"Thank you for telling me Nyx. I believe you. I'm just angry that my dad never told me the true story." I say.
"You have the right to feel angry. You have lived your life not knowing the truth." He responds.
"I have to go, we've been here a while." I say.
"We should do this again." Nyx says. "How about same time, same place, the day after tomorrow."
"Yes, that sounds wonderful Nyx." I say as I stand up and start to leave the clearing. I probably should have said no, but he had told me the truth. He had treated me as if I wasn't the High Lords daughter. "I'll see you then"
"I'll see you then April." He responds before he melts back into the shadows.

I return to the manor the same way I had left. I changed into clean clothes and went down to breakfast. I couldn't trust my father anymore. Not after finding out that he had twisted the one story he had ever told me.

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