Chapter 7

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Over the next month, me and Nyx started a routine. We met in the clearing at sunrise every other day. I told him about my life in the Spring Court and he told me of his life and family back at the Night Court. We had formed a friendship, he was one of the first friends I have ever made.

I acted normally around my dad. He didn't know that I snuck out every morning to meet with Nyx, and he didn't know that I knew the truth about his past. He thought I still thought that Rhysand had stolen Feyre from him. I found it easy to pretend that I didn't know.

A month and a half after we had first met, we are sat by the pool, dangling our feet in. He had just told me a story about his last Starfall. I wished I could go to the Night Court to see it, I had seen what I could from my room at the manor, but Starfall was meant to be viewed from the Night Court.

Two months after we first met, I told him about how my dad had never talked about my mum. I told him that I had stopped bothering asking, since he always told me the same thing, she left just after I was born.

Now, it's been three months since we first met. We are sat on the edge of the pool. Nyx has just finished explains the Illyrian war camps to me. I love listening to his stories. I have never visited another court, but Nyx 's stories makes me feel like I have visited the Night Court. Once he has finished explaining the war camps to me, I stand to leave. "Same time, same place the day after tomorrow." I say to him. It has became a tradition for one of us to say this before we leave.

I climb back up into my bedroom. I change and go downstairs for breakfast. I haven't had a proper conversation with my dad in months. When I walk into the dining room, I see he has two guests. Beron and Eris. This isn't good. I know he can tell I've been acting more distant recently, I can tell he knows that I don't fully trust him anymore. But his choice of guests is concerning me. "Ah, April, you're up." My dad says. "I was just talking to Beron and Eris."

"Good morning, dad. What are they doing here?" I ask.
"I'm glad you ask April. Eris has agreed to marry you." My dad says.
My heart skips a beat. I never thought he would force me into marriage. My eyes begin to tear up. "What? Dad, you promised that I would never have to marry if I didn't want to." I cry.
"April, your father has decided that it would be best for you to settle down and Eris is a suitable choice of husband." Beron says.
"My father is right April. I'll be able to provide for you and protect you." Eris says, and reaches a hand out to me.
"Don't touch me!" I cry as I flinch away from him.
"April, that is no way to talk to your future husband." My dad snaps at me. "I'm so sorry Eris, I'll talk to her."

Beron and Eris leave the room after a whispered conversation with my dad. "April, this is what is best for you and the court." My dad starts.
"Dad, you broke your promise. I don't want to marry him!" I cry.
"This is what's best. I'm doing this for you." My dad says. He doesn't even look remotely bad for breaking his promise.
"Is locking Feyre in the house what you thought was best? Yes dad, I know about that!" I lash out.
"What happened with Feyre is non of your concern." My dad is raising his voice now.
"It is! You lied to me! Now you broke your promise!" I scream as tears continue to stream down my face.
"April. You will marry Eris and you won't mention Feyre again." My father commands.
"I'm leaving. I'm not dealing with these twisted lies anymore, and I'm not marrying Eris!" I cry as I run out of the room.

I run past Eris and Beron to the front door. I pull on the handles, but they won't open. I try my key. It isn't working. I realise that these doors aren't opening. I run to the window and pull on the handle, it won't budge.

I realise that I'm not getting out of this house. I realise that my dad has trapped me in the house.

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