Chapter 15

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I just stare at them all in shock. My legs had gone weak, and I was sure that if Nyx hadn't been supporting me, I would have collapsed. "What?" I manage to say.
"Your father wants you to be returned to him. He says if we don't, the Spring and Autumn Courts will be coming and taking you back themselves. We have a week to get you back to him." Rhys explains to me.
"No. I can't go back. I can't marry Eris. I want to stay here with Nyx." I say as I start to cry.
"I know. I know." Nyx hugs me close to him and begins stroking my hair. "Well, we aren't going to give her back. So what happens now?" He directs at his father.
"We'll have to prepare for an attack from the Spring and Autumn Courts. They don't know she's here in Velaris, all they know is that she is in the Night Court." Rhys says to the room. "So we either set up defences along our border and wait for them to come and try to take her back themselves, or we head down to the Spring Court, and attack them before they attack us."

The whole room sits in silence, considering the two options. Nyx is still holding me in his arms, although I have gotten over the shock and have stopped crying. All eyes seem to be on me and Nyx, waiting for our decision, considering this was to do with the two of us.

"Wait for them to attack." Nyx says to the room, "Build up a line of defence on our border, and notify the other solar courts, the Summer Court and Winder Court about this attack. They will be able to slow Tamlin down. And we'll be waiting on our border for them." You don't have to do anything if you don't want to. Nyx says to just me.
No, I want to help. I want to fight for my freedom. I respond to him. "I'll help, I know my father's fighting tactics." I say to the whole room.
"Thank you April." Rhys says to me. "Cassian, go to the camps and get our army together, Az, get spies to alert us when the Spring Court is coming. Amren, make sure the wards are up around the city." Rhys begins to give everyone orders.

You ok? Nyx asks me through the bond.
Yes, at least for now. I respond, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me back.

Whatever was going to happen, Nyx would be by my side, and I'd be by his.

Updates may start to become shorter and more infrequent. I'm writing my first story which isn't fanfiction (A Guide to Planning A Great Greek Wedding, go and have a look). So, I'm writing two stories at the same time, which will mean updates on both may be slow until I finish this fanfiction.

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