Chapter 10

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I wake up late the next morning. I didn't sleep much last night, but I knew that I needed to get up. Nyx had also said that he'd show me the city. I had a bath before getting dressed. I find a simple pale pink dress to wear in the wardrobe, and then I brush my hair. My father must have noticed that I was gone by now. I wondered what was happening back at the Spring Court. I assumed that Beron and Eris were mad about the lost marriage arrangement, and I assumed that my father was turning the Spring Court inside out and upside down trying to find me. But, I decided that thinking of my father and the Spring Court was a waste of my time and energy. I then headed downstairs to see if there was anything for breakfast.

Nyx and his parents were all sat around the table when I find the dining room and walk through the door. They all look at me as I take the seat beside Nyx, and help myself to the food that was laid across the table. "Good morning. Are you going to show me the city today Nyx?" I greet.
"Of course I am April. Let's finish breakfast, then I'll show you the city." Nyx says.
"Thank you Nyx." I respond.
"Did you sleep well April?" Feyre asks me.
"Yes, thank you." I sat to her. I actually had an extremely disturbed nights rest. I kept on waking up after dreaming of being locked up in the manor, but I didn't want to worry her. She was doing enough be letting me stay in her house.
"That's good." Feyre replies, I'm sure that she doesn't believe me, but doesn't say anything about it. She was once locked up by my father, so she probably understands that I don't want to talk about it.
"Me and Feyre are going up to the House of Wind, we'll see you both later." Rhys says, before him and Feyre stand and leave the room. I remember the Nyx told me that part of his family lived in a place called the House of Wind and had described what the House of Wind was to me in one of our many mornings in the clearing with the pool.

Once I had finished my breakfast, Nyx lead me out of the house, and into the city. There were both higher and lesser fae walking along the streets. "We have four markets, which we call palaces. We'll visit them another day, since you want to see the whole city, and each palace will take at least half a day." Nyx says as we walk past a bustling market place. "You'll have an unlimited budget while here, so you won't have to worry about not being able to afford anything." Nyx adds, as I look at the stalls at the market entrance in awe.
"Thank you." I say. I would be able to shop in the city with no budget!

We spend the rest of the day walking through the streets of the city. Nyx showed me around, and I managed to remember all the streets and the way around the city. I didn't want to get lost when I came out here on my own.

We arrived back at the river house just after sunset. "Thank you for showing me the city Nyx." I say as we walk through the front door.
"You're very welcome April. If you need any company while roaming the city, just give me a shout." Nyx responds.
"Will do." I rely, I would eventually want company, but for now I think I would prefer to explore the city alone.
"I will be out of town for the next couple of weeks. They require my assistance at one of the war camps. I'll come and find you when I get back." Nyx tells me.
"That's fine Nyx. I'll see you in a couple of weeks then." I respond.
"Goodbye, April. I'll see you soon." He says before turning around and leaving the house.

I grabbed some food from the kitchen and walked up to my room. I had enjoyed spending the day with Nyx. It was better than the few hours I had when I was back at the Spring Court. I finished eating, then I changed into my night clothes. I settled into bed, looking forward to starting my new life in the Night Court.

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