Chapter 13

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Months pass, and me and Nyx continue to spend most of our time together. We spend mornings watching the sunrise in the hill Nyx showed me, spend days wandering through the markets, and nights sat in the river house chatting, or just being in each other's company.

The Winter Solstice was yesterday. I received more gifts than expected. Mainly books, but Nyx had gotten my a silver bracelet with a star and flower charm dangling off the bracelet. He said it was 'to represent our friendship' when I had unwrapped it. This was the first Winter Solstice I had spent with them, but they made me feel at home and welcome at their celebration.

Me and Nyx are lying side by side on the top of the hill. We had both overslept and missed sunrise, so we settled for watching the sunset. The sun had just finished setting, we both stand to winnow back to the house. We alternated who winnowed the other to the hill and back. Today, it was Nyx's turn. I extend my hand out for him to take so we can return home, but he doesn't take it.

"Before we go home, I need to tell you something." Nyx says to me.
"Go ahead." I respond.
"Have you noticed anything different about us recently?" He asks me.
"No, we have always been close, we still are. I haven't noticed anything different." I reply. I'm concerned now. Why would there be anything different between me and Nyx.
"I know why we have been dreaming about each other's eyes, and I know why even though your father too you to never trust someone like me, you did and I know why we feel so drawn to each other." He continues.
"Why?" I respond. I was glad that he finally knew why we had been dreaming of each other.
"You are my mate April." Nyx tells me, his blue eyes looking into mine.

I stand in shock for a moment. I had a mate. I felt so stupid for not realising this, but females usually didn't notice the bond since we could easily ignore it. I can't believe it. I have so many thoughts rushing through my head, so many that I can't fully process them.
"April?" Nyx is looking at me with a concerned look on his face. I must have just been staring at him.
"How... How long have you known that we were mates Nyx?" I whisper under my breath.
"I first had the thought when I first saw you at Calanmai, then I started to believe it was true during all the hours we spent together in the clearing. It was confirmed when I felt the fear that you felt when your father locked you in the manor."

He'd known for months. He'd known for months and didn't tell me. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask him. "We're friends, you could have told me. Why did you keep it from me?"
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just wanted you to get settled in the Night Court before I sprung this on you. You don't have to accept the bond of you don't want to."
"What made you decide to tell me know?" I have so many questions, but I ask this one even though I think I already know the answer.
"Because I'm in love with you April." He responds, before he takes me into his arms and kisses me. I just stand in shock for a moment before I find myself kissing him back. Once the kiss ends, he looks at me and says, "I had to do that at least once in my life, even if you didn't want to be my mate."
"Nyx, of course I'll be your mate. I love you too. It just took me a while to realise it!" I cry out, and the  he kisses me again.
"Let's go to the house, the bond isn't complete until..." Nyx starts.
"Until I give you food." I finish.

Nyx scoops me up in his arms and winnows us directly into the kitchen of the river house. I find the right ingredients lying around in the kitchen to bake a cake. I throw the ingredients together, and as they cook, me and Nyx just sit and look at each other. Happy that we both knew that the other returned our feelings.

Once the cake had finished baking, I cut a slice and gave it to Nyx. "Eat up." I say. He manages to eat the slice of cake in under a minute. We were officially mated.
Delicious. Nyx says in my head. I had forgotten that this was one of the many things that came with being mates.

He picked me up, and carried me to his room. No one in the house saw either of us for a week.

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