Part 11, Lake town

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Picture of Elene above ^

Elene's POV

We're hiding in barrels full of fish. And it smells immensely bad, I wanted to throw up ever since I've been in here.

My dad's pride is now fully stepped on. I try and get in a more comfortable position earning a kick against barrel from Bard. "Bugger off." I mutter softly, what wasn't a smart move cause opening my mouth gives extra room for the fish and a dead one falls into my mouth. Gagging and spitting it falls out of my mouth.

Once we could get out I gave Bard such an evil look that he had to laugh. "Don't they ever tell you it's bad to piss off pregnant women?" I sneer to him, Kili's arm wraps around my waist. "Calm down Elene, everything is alright now." I smile up at him, but lose the idea of kissing him because of the awful fish smell on me. "I suppose you don't have any place where I can wash myself?" I ask Bard, "Sigrid will show you where you can wash yourself." "Follow me Elene." She says with a kind smile.

After I'm changed back into my normal outfit (see above) I rejoin the company. "You look so pretty clean my love." I laugh, "Well thank you for calling me ugly." "I didn't!" He says offended, "Sure my love."

"So how long are you pregnant?" Asks Tilda, "Two months now." I say with a smile, "Dwarfs have shorter pregnancies than humans, so the baby will be here in about a month." (A/N: I don't know if it's true but for the story I've made this up.) "What will you call it?" She asks me, "I haven't thought of that but I'll let you know."

"Tomorrow begins the last days of Autumn." Says my father hushed, "Durins day falls a morn after next. We must reach the mountain before then." Says Balin, "And if we do not? If we fail to find the hidden door before that time?" Says Kili, I sigh, he's thinking negative but it's possible. "Then this quest has been for nothing." Says Fili stating the facts. Then Bard walks in and drops a bag on the table, with weapons I suppose. He opens it and in there we find the most useful weapons ever...not. I hear groans rising from the dwarfs. "What is this?" Says my father, clearly mad. He says the name which I cannot recall. "Made from an old harpoon."

"We paid you for weapons, iron forged swords and axes." Says Gloin, "It's a joke!" Everybody throws back the 'weapons' on the table. "You won't find better weapons in this city outside city's armory." I see my father and Dwalin giving each other a look. Oh no.

I pull Kili aside. "Kili you are not going with them, please." "What's wrong Elene?" "They're going to rob the armoury. I do not want you going with them." "Elene. If they are I have to go with them. I'm also part of the company, you're staying here, I don't want anything happening to the two of you. You're too precious to me." I smile at him, "Alright then."

They did leave for the city's armory, and I stayed behind to do as I was told.

After that everything happened real fast. They headed for the lonely mountain but I stayed with Sigrid, and the goodbye with Kili was hard, but life is hard.

Everything was going smoothly in Lake Town, until the alarms sounded. The dragon had woken up and was heading straight for us.

"Hurry up, we must leave." Said Sigrid. I got up slowly, the child was taking away all my energy and my back started hurting as hell. "What about da?" Asks the brother, "If we stay here we'll die. Is that what da would've wanted?" He stayed silent after that, we all hurried to the boat. Rowing in between the houses. Then there we saw it, Smaug. It was ready to attack us, it opened it's mouth and destroyed half of lake town.

Kili POV

"Kili no! You can't leave!" Ori states, "Watch me." Thorin stops me, "Kili you can't. Either Elene is dead or she'll live. We'll see to her after the dragon is gone." Thorin tries to tell me, "No! My wife and child is there-"I point at the burning village, "And I might be able to help them, but you want me sitting here!" "Yes. For you can't do anything about it anymore." I sit back down again. "Poor souls." Balin mutters. When I look around I see everyone in shock. Except for my uncle, he just walks away. Bilbo looks at him trying to see reason in his actions. "Leave him." I mutter.

Then something strange happens, we hear a loud thud. "What was that? What happened?" Asks Ori, "He fell, I saw it. It's dead. Smaug is dead." Says Bilbo, "I think he's right, look there! The ravens of Erebor are returning to the mountain!" Says Gloin, a smile finds it's way onto my face but drops once I realize Elene isn't here. "Aye, word will spread, for long every soul in Middle-Earth will know: The dragon is dead!" Everyone starts cheering but I simply can't. She can be wounded, or worse dead right now.


Hey guys guess who's back? I already have the next chapters written out so I'll upload them as the week goes by, I hope you like this new chapter after like a year or so. How did you enjoy Batlle of the five armies? I cried till the end of the credits whoops.

But I also have a question, would you like a sequel to this story?

Lots of love

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