Part 9, Mirkwood

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We ride to Mirkwood, and stop infront of it. "The Elven gate." I hear Gandalf mutter. I get off Areth, "Meet us at the river." I whisper to her. She neighs and gallops away. "Here lies our path trough Mirkwood." Says Gandalf to us all. "No sign of the orks. We have luck on our side." Says Dwalin while he gets off his horse. "Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master." Bilbo looks at the forest and takes a few steps closer. "This forest feels sick. As if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?" "No, that will take too long.." I say to him, I also don't want to go trough here. But I have to. "Elene, you can still go back." Says Kili while grabbing my hand. "No, I need to protect you." I say with a smile, he kisses me short.

"Not my horse! I need it!" Says Gandalf. "What? Are you leaving us?" I say, "Sorry, but I have too. Do not enter that mountain without me!" He says. And then he is gone. He jumped on his horse and galloped away. "Stay on the path!" Says Gandalf to us. And then we start walking into the forest. Following the path. "The path is this way, stay close!" I hear my father say. We keep walking and walking trough the forest. "Air! I need air!" I hear someone say. "Nori, why have we stopped?" "The path. It's disappeard.." "We've lost the path!" "Look for the path!!" We keep walking trough the forest, I get dizzy and feel like I'm falling. "Elene!" I hear Kili say. I look at him, why does he has a white beard? This isn't right.

Then I see giant spiders who are coming towards us. "Kili!" I yell, but a giant spider already cocooned me.

I feel myself falling and then I hit the ground. I get the white sticky stuff off of me and stand up. "Are you allright?" Asks Dwalin. "Yes yes." I mumble, then we see the spiders again. I grab my sword and start chopping into them. Then before I know it Elves are coming. The kill the spiders and then one Elf points his bow at my father. "Do not think I won't kill you dwarf. It would be my pleasure." "No!" I say while standing infront of my father. "A woman? The great Thorin Oakenshield travels with a woman?" "I am his daughter, filth." I say harsh to th Elf, then we hear someone scream. "Kili." I say soft. Fili on the otherhand screams his brother's name. The a woman elf comes and kills the spiders who are attacking him. "Throw me a dagger! Quick!" Says Kili when a spider is coming towards him. "If you think I'm giving you a weapon dwarf. Your mistaking!" She throws a dagger at the spider, he looks at her slightly scared. She looks at him proud of what she just did.

She forces Kili to walk towards us. "Elene! Are you alright? Is the baby fine?" I smile, "The baby and me are fine. Really!" He looks worried.

They put us in dungeons and since a guard noticed I'm pregnant of Kili they put me with him in a cell. Kili tries to break out of our cell. I feel sick, my stomache hurts. I look at my belly, and put my shirt higher. My belly has grown. "Kili.." I say while I gesture for him to come closer. He walks to me, "Are you hurt?" He says while touching my shoulder. "No, place your hand on my belly. Right there." I place his hand on my bare belly. I feel the baby kick, Kili laughs. "He kicked! He kicked!"


Sorry it is so short guys! But I needed to write it fast!

I hope you guys like it! And yea stay awesome! Keep voting and commenting!

So what do you think the baby will be? Boy or a girl? Kili hopes it will be a boy. At least he keeps saying he when it's about the baby..

Anyway, thank you all so much for reading this! I love you all!

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