Part 2, Background story

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I feel something soft against my cheek, and then I hear voices. "Kili, you are not going to wake her up by kissing her for Durins sake!"

Someone whispers loudly, my eyelashes flutter open, "I just did." Says Kili with a smile, he looks at me. "Hey love,we're leaving, are you coming?" I get up and stretch out my arms,

"Yeah, yeah." "Oh and be quiet." "Okay, why?" I whisper to him, I grab my stuff and put on my cape and hood. We walk to the place where we tied our ponies yesterday, Kili keeps whispering things in my ear that makes me giggle. Thorin looks at Kili, very angry. Kili clears his throat, and stops whispering things to me. 

Gandalf is riding up front on his big horse, we are all just stuck on our ponies. Then behind me I hear someone yell: "Wait!" and then someone yells it again. We look behind us, it's Bilbo! Thank God, I felt horrible leaving him behind without saying anything. We turn our ponies around, he is holding the contract in his hand.

"I signed it!" He says proudly whilst showing it to my dad. Then he gives it to Balin with a smile on is face. Balin grabs something that looks like reading glasses, and he starts reading the contract. "Everything looks in order. Welcome master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." We all laugh, Balin smiles at Bilbo.

"Get him a pony." Says my dad very harsh, while they put Bilbo on a pony I decide to ride next to my dad.

"Dad, I'd like to talk to you." "Whats wrong Elene?" He says with a smile, "I know you don't like me dating Kili, and I'm sorry about what just happened but-"

"It's okay, you are in love with him, and that is fine with me. I'm glad you didn't choose someone like Ori, Kili is a fighter, proud of being the prince. I respect your choice."

"Thanks dad." I say while hugging him, what goes very wrong while sitting on a horse. He laughs, "Don' t fall off of it! It would hurt greatly! And you don't deserve any pain." He kisses my hand. "I love you dad." "I love you too my girl."

We ride by streams and forests, amazing stretched out valleys and hills. "If only we could walk up there be alone, watch the sunset, I would be complete." Says while while pointing at a green hill, surrounded by trees.

"It would be very romantic." I say while grabbing his hand, "It is a shame we are sitting on horses otherwise I would've kissed you already." Says Kili with a smile,

"We'll stay here for the night!" Says Gandalf, "Finally." Says Kili, we get off our horses. "Now I can kiss you properly." He says while pulling me closer to him, his soft lips find mine. I hear someone making a puke noise. But I ignore it, I am way too busy kissing Kili.

"If I get that every time we stop I would want to stop every minute." Says Kili while smiling, I laugh. "You are the cutest dwarf I've ever met." "Oh please, you two make us sick!" Says Dwalin, "Wait until you have such a lovely lass Dwalin!" Yells Kili at him, "Okay enough kissing, we have to make a camp." Says dad, with a light smile.

We made camp on top of a mountain, I am sleeping on Kili's lap who has to watch over the fire now with Fili. I wake up from Bilbo, "What was that?" I hear him say, he heard the sound of orcs. "Orcs." Says Kili, I sit up straight, "Orcs?" Asks Bilbo while running over to us, my dad sits up straight now too. Fili is the next one to talk,

"They strike when everyone is asleep." Says Kili after his brother said something, he caresses my hair.  "Quick and quiet. No screams. Just lots of blood." Says Kili, I look at him, "I'll protect you with my life Elene, don't worry." He whispers softly to me, Bilbo looks at the direction of the sounds, making us chuckle a bit. "Do you think that's funny?" My dad starts scolding us, oops. "We didn't mean anything by it." Says Kili soft, "No, you didn't. You know nothing of the world."

"Dad.. " I say but he already walked away. "Don't mind him laddie," Says Balin at Kili, who looks quite shocked by my fathers words. "Thorin has more cause than most, to hate orcs." I grab Kili his hand and I lay my head on his shoulder. "After the dragon came to the lonely mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the dwarf kingdom of Moira. But our enemy had come there first."

"Moira was re-taken by legions of Orcs lead by the most vial of all their race, Azog." I shiver, I heard stories of Azog. I hope I never see him alive, even not dead. Kili notices my fear and hugs me tighter. "He had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin, and he began with be-heading the king." I lay down in Kili's lap, I don't want to hear more of thsi story, I hear Balin continue, but I don't listen.

"The pale orc. What happened to him?" Says Bilbo, I look at him, "He slug back into the hole he came, that filth died of his wounds a long time ago." Says my dad, I look at him, he catches my eye. I see something glistening on his cheek, a tear. He cried.

My strong father, who I thought could never be broken, cried. His story must have been harder than I thought. I felt sorry for my father, I wanted to go to him hug him. To tell him that everything would be fine, but I knew he didn't want me to. He must show strength to everyone else.

"Kili?" I ask, "Yeah?" "Can we take a walk? Away from here, just for a few minutes?" "Of course." He says soft, we walk to higher place, finally we are alone. "I can't tell you how much I've wanted to be alone with you, Elene. I love you." "I love you too." I say while pressing my lips to his, kissing him with all my power, with all my heart.

"Have you told anyone yet?" He asks me, "No,I think we should wait with telling them. It is not the best timing." "When is?" He says with a smile, "We'll tell them tomorrow evening, okay?" "Okay. Fine with me." He says with a cute, and sexy smile, I bite my lip.

"Stop doing that," He says with a playful smile, "Why?" I ask him mocking, "It's very hot." I laugh, he is the cutest "Well thank you," "Maybe we should get back to camp.." I say when he kisses me again, "Yeah, you're right. Lets go."

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