Part 10, breaking free

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"We are never gonna reach the mountain are we?" I hear Ori say, I rest my head against Kili's chest. "Not stuck in here you know!" I hear Bilbo say, what! How did he came here?! "Bilbo!" Shouts Dwalin, and some others start shouting too. "Quiet! There are guards nearby!" Says Bilbo, he starts opening the cells. When Kili and I get out of the cell he goes to Fili and I go to my father. "Are you okay?" He asks me, "Yes, come we have to get out of here!" We start walking upstairs. "No no no, follow me." We follow Bilbo down to the cellers. "I can't believe it were in the cellers!" Whispers Kili.

Kili's POV

We are now in the water in barrels. Waves hit us as we are trying to get to the end of the river. I look at Elene who is also in a barrel, and it looks like she's going to be sick. Then we hear elves behind us. Also that posh elven prince. Legolas, I really don't like him. Too tall. And too good in archery. Yes. I, Kili Arkin, am jealous. Very jealous.

Then we hear a horn, I look at the place where the noise came from. Two elfs are standing on a rock one is blowing the horn the other is just staring at us. Then I look at my uncle yelling: "No!" The iron door closes. We are lost. We can't go out now. We bump against the iron doors. The guards are preparing to capture us when one guard gets shot with an arrow. My eyes widen. Then there comes an ork with a loud growl he encourages the other orks to attack too. The guards fall in the water, and a corpse falls half on me. I push it in the water, this is disgusting. More elfs come to fight the orks, but more orks come too. The orks start attacking us too, I grab a weapon of the body of dead ork. And Istart killing some orks that come in my way. I throw Fili the weapon. "Don't let them get Elene!" I yell to him, he nods and starts fighting off the orks near Elene and him.

After a quite clever action of me (I got shot with a probably poisened arrow.) We drift of the river in our barrels. I steer my barrel to Elene. "Hey, are you okay?" "Are you okay?! You got shot with an arrow!"  I grin when she worries so much about me. "I'm fine. Really." I'm not fine at all. My leg hurts like hell. But I have to stay strong. For her, for my uncle. Why for my uncle? If I show any weaknesses he won't allow me to come with him. I know that..


Hey guys!!

Sorry it's so short :/ I've been quite busy lately... And I want to slow down with writing. (Because I have to wait for the third movie of course) So I'll quit where the second movie quits! Well not for ever, but I'll update when I have the third movie on dvd or when I it is online!

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