Part 5, Rivendell

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"You're holding your bow wrong." Says a voice behind me, lord Elrond allowed me to train on the Rivendell training grounds.

"You must hold your arm higher if you want to shoot better." I look behind me, an Elvish guy is standing there. His cheekbones are honestly amazing and his long brown hair looks way too clean. "I am Haradion, son of Melethril." I clear my throat,

"Elene, daughter of Thorin." He bows quickly, "Sorry, I didn't knew you were a princess."

"It doesn't matter." I say with a kind smile, waving away his comment. Thd name princess definitely does not suit me.

"How did I have to hold my arm again?" "Just a bit higher, Baineth." He touches my arm and pushes it in the right position. I release the arrow and it hits the target in the middle. "What does that mean? What you just called me?"

"Baineth means, beautiful woman." I start to blush, "Thank you, my lord." "Please just call me Haradion." "Okay, Haradion." I smile, and he smiles back. "Do you want to see Rivendell? I can show you if you want to!" "I'd love to!" He holds out his arm, and I hook mine into it. "I will show you the most beautiful places you've ever seen."

"Wow, Haradion, this was the most wonderful day in my life." I smile at him, "Gellon ned i gelir i chent gîn ned i lelig." He says to me, "And what does that mean?"

"I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh." "Haradion, I'm engaged. I thibk you're really nice but my fiance is waiting for me!" "Av-'osto Hiril vuin. Don't be scared my lady. I do not mean things to you that way." He says, bowing quickly as a way of apologising.

"I' ve actually never been interested in any woman, my husband is waiting for me at home." He says, he winks at me smoothly making me laugh for ever thinking he's into me.

"Thank you Haradion. Can you take me back to my room, please? I' m afraid I'm gonna get lost if I try to get back myself!" I say with a slight chuckle, tucking my hair behind my ears. "Of course! "

He walks me to my room, while learning me some Sindarin. "Goodbye Baineth." "Bye, Haradion. Thank you for showing me around!" I enter my room, leaving him in the hallway.

"So what were you doing with him the whole afternoon?" Kili is sitting on my bed, already in his pyjamas. "What are you doing in my room?" "We have the same room, remember?" "Really since when?" I quivkly change out of my firty clothes and into my sleeping robes.

"Since your dad told me so,when he saw you with that elf." "Oh, please. He just showed me Rivendell!" Kili stands up and walks over to me, obviously trying to intimidate me.

"I am supposed to trust you Elene! You can't go hanging around with every elf!" "Kili! Calm down! I don't know what my dad said to you, but he just showed me around Rivendell, I couldn't wander alone now could I?! You stubborn dwarf! I am in love with you!" "But-"

"Hush! I love you and no one else, done." Kili smiles, "I love you Elene, how you are stronger than me sometimes." He kisses me, "Well I know you like that.." He laughs, and I smile.

"Oh and he's gay." I say quickly before blowing out the final candle in our room. "What?!" "Goodnight!"


"Lord Elrond, we would like to discuss something with you." "Elene daughter of Thorin, what's wrong?" He motions for me to sit down next to him on the bench.

"Well nothing is wrong, we just would like to ask you a favor. Kili and I would like to get married here. Nothing big, just the dwarfs, and yeah us.."

"That's lovely! Of course you can! It will be arranged at once, I will let the royal dress maker make a dress for you, which color do you like?" He rambles on about more details, I think he's happier than me about this. "Green and white please." "She will make it right away! You can be wed this evening!" "Thank you so much!"

Kili and I walk back to our room smiling, "I'm so happy!" "You make me happy." Mumbles Kili, I look at the ground trying to hide my deep red cheeks. He lifts my chin up with a single finger, and looks at me with his great big brown eyes. I smile at him, "Elene. We can't go on a honeymoon. Sorry, and we won't have time alone."

"We do, here. If we get married this evening, we still have a wedding night. Alone. Privacy." He blushes and smiles, "I can't believe this is happening!" He says playful, I wrap my arms around his neck. "It is." I kiss him slowly and then with all my power.

"Miss Oakenshield?" I hear along with a knock on the door. "Yes?" I say, Kili leaves a trail of small kisses behind in my neck. "The royal dressmaker requires your attendance." "Wait a moment!" I yell, I grab Kili's face between my hands and kiss him. "I gotta go my love. See you tonight. Oh and go tell everyone." I say with a smile. He kisses me, "Good luck."

"Hi, I'm Grace, the royal dressmaker." "Elene." I say kind to her, but something about her doesn't feel right. Like she doesn't really belong here, just like me.

"You are no elf, are you?" "No, I'm from Minas Tirith. The white city. I came here because I wanted to."

"And you became a dressmaker?" She smiles "The Royal dressmaker. Lord Elrond said you wanted green and white, do you have anything in mind about the shape?" "No not really, I haven't given it a lot of thought. " She grabs a sketch book from her desk, "Well I might have some ideas, do you want to see them?" "I'd love too." I look trough the sketch book, then one dress catches my eye. "That one, it is so beautiful." "I think I can do that. It will probably be finished in an hour or two, but I need you to help me make the dress!" "Well I have nothing else to do this whole afternoon, so sure! I'll help!"

~Kili's POV~

"Why didn't you tell me before?! It is quite strange that your daughter is getting married, and that her future husband is telling me that her wedding is this evening!" My cheeks turn red, he's right.

"Sorry uncle, but be glad you at least hear it and that we decide not to elope!" I say with a chuckle, he looks at me like I'm insane. "Well, we don't have the usual wedding clothing here now, do we?"

"Lord Elrond will take care of that uncle, I asked him that." "Well okay then, I will give Elene away of course. Your best man will probably be Fili." "Yes," I say with a smile,

"So everything is arranged then! The place?" "A very romantic place, right in front of a waterfall, with flowers and stuff Elene will love it!" Thorin chuckles, I smile at the thought of Elene who sees the location of our wedding.

She is so beautiful, I can't say how happy I am to marry her. "We must inform the others! Right away, they will be delighted!" Says Thorin with a smile, I have never seen him so happy before. He must love Elene more than everything in this world.

"Married?" "A wedding?" "Will there be normal food?" "Are we going in this clothes?!" The entire company is asking me all sorts of questions after I told them about the wedding and it's driving me absolutely nuts, "QUIET!" I yell, they all look at me now.

"Yes, we are getting married and that is also called a wedding. There will probably be no normal food, and no, Lord Elrond has made us wedding suits." "You got to be kidding me." Says Dwalin, "I am not going to put that on!" Says Dwalin again, I open my mouth to say something to him but uncle is swifter than I am.

"You will wear it! An otherwise you will never be able to wear anything for the rest of your life!" Wow, okay, that was very unexpected, and very loud, I have to hold in my laughter actually. "I love it, wish I could wear it all day." Mumbels Dwalin, I smile at Thorin. And I can't believe it is almost time..


Hey guys thank you all so much for reading this! And thank you for all the votes I can hardly believe it!!

Grace is a real life friend, so Grace I hope you don't mind me putting your name in this Capter ;)

So I will try to upload the dress of Sara with it as well, and yeah, hope you all like it, I would like it if you comment on it, and of course vote :)

Stay amazing!

Love Yenessa

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