Part 8, the good news

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I open my eyes slowly. I see the beautiful room where I was sleeping with Kili. Then I see a girl standing near me. "She's waking up." She says to some persons. Then two more persons are standing next to my bed. "Haradion." I say slowly when I regonize him, "Grace." I mutter, "What happenend?" I ask while trying to get up. "You got unconcious. You slept for two weeks." Says a familiar voice to me, I look at the person who was nice to me from the beggining. "Lord Elrond." I whisper, "Hello Elene." I get up, "Easy." Says Haradion. "Why does my stomache hurts so much?" Grace smiles at me, "You are pregnant."

"What?!" I say soft, this can't be true. "Appearantly you and Kili did 'it' on the perfect timing! You're having a baby!" "Where is Kili?! I need to see him!!" I say happy, Lord Elrond his face turns sad. "The company is still traveling. No one has returned." "Do you know where they are?!" "Yes, they are at the house of Beorn, he's a skin changer." "I need a horse." I say while I get out of bed, "You need to rest Elene!" I look at Lord Elrond. "No, right now I need to see my husband."

"This is Areth, the fastest horse we have. Ride as the wind and return to us quick." Says Haradion, "I will, and thank you." I say, I get on the horse named Areth. "Ride Areth, ride faster than you ever did." I whisper in the horse her ear, she rides away fast. We ride the whole morning. Trough landscapes and valleys, until I see a pack of orcs. And the house of Beorn, far away, but just close enough to reach it in time. "Avoid them and try to reach the house!" I say to Areth, she neighs and runs faster. I hear some orcs yell something in the black language. "Faster Areth! Faster!" We reach the house and the door opens, I ride in. Areth is now standing in a shed, pretty high. The door is locked just in time to shut out the orcs. I look around the room, everyone is here.

"Elene!" I hear Kili's voice say, "Kili! I am, I am." I can't finish the sentence, "You are what?!" I fall in his arms, fainting again, "Elene!" I hear him say, darkness fills my eyesight. I am standing in a field, a little boy walks to me yelling mommy and he giggles. I pick him up, and spin around. Then he points at something lying in the grass. "What is that mommy?" We walk to it, I laugh at my child, my son. Then I see what is lying in the grass. Kili. No. I kneel down next to him, his once so handsome face is covered in blood. His brown eyes stare at the sky. When I look to my son he lies next to Kili, looking the same as him. "No!" I yell, blood has covered also his face. Then ravens come and start eating them while I am lying in the grass, griefing, and there is nothing I can do about their deaths. I open up my eyes, gasping for air. "Elene!" I hear someone say, I look at the person who is holding my hand and who said that to me. "Kili, thank God! Thank God, I thought you were dead!" I embrace him, "Why did you faint, are you sick or something?!" "It happens to me alot lately." "Why? What is going on?!" "I'm pregnant!" I say with a smile, his mouth falls open, "Are you serious?" "The Elves found it out! You're gonna be a father!" He chuckles, and looks to everyone. "I'm going to be a father! I'm going to be a father!" He kisses me, "I love you." He whispers to me, I smile. "Be careful that you don't crush the baby!" I say while I get up.

My father makes a way trough the crowd, "Elene!" He says relieved, I don't know what to do. "Dad." Is the only thing I say, "I am so sorry, I was angry. I am so sorry my baby." He hugs me, "Dad it is okay. It really is." "What did I heard, is the line of Durin going to continue?" He says with a smile, I chuckle. "Yes, it is." Kili smiles at me, "Yeah grandpa, it is." Thorin looks mad at Kili, "I'm not a grandpa yet, so don't call me that." he says harsh, I can't help it but I burst out in laughter.

"You can't stay. I don't want to risk your life or the baby's life again." Mumbels Kili to me, we are in the back yard of Beorn. While we are looking at the stars. "I know. That is why I am going back, after this I'll go with you till you reach laketown. Nothing bad will happen then. Lady Galadriel told me." "You talked to her?" "Yes, she came to me before I went away. She told me I needed to protect you of temptation or something." He smiles and kisses me softly. "I love you." He says soft, "After all of this we will live in Erebor. You, me, and the baby. You will get  everything you want." "Kili." I  say, "I know it might be insecure. But I think we can try to make it come true."

We were kissing again when he interupted us. "Hello lads." He says, and sits down next to me. Kili and I stop kissing. "Hello Dwalin." I say kind as a princess should. "Lovely night isn't it? I couldn't sleep. Too many things going on in my head." Says Dwalin while looking at the sky. "I can believe that." Says Kili, I hit him on his shoulder. "Sorry, Kili and I were celebrating the arrival of our baby. So" "I'll go so you can kiss eichother again." We watch him walk away. "Why did you say that you fool?!" "Sorry. I couldn't hold myself." He says with his playful grin. He kisses me again and that is how we spend the entire night. Kissing.

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