Part 12, last goodbye

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Kili POV

"There's someone walking up the mountain!" I hear a faint voice yell, I run up to the entrance. "Elene!" I yell, "Kili!" I get back, "You shouldn't have come my love, it's not save out here." I say hugging her tightly. "I figured it would be best delivering the child here than in a crowded camp." She looks up at the halls in awe, the smile forming on her lips is the one that makes my heart flutter. "Your father.. He's not doing that well.." Her eyes are on mine directly, a worried gaze in them. "What's wrong?" "It's this place, it's like there's a disease." She looks over my shoulder and sees something, she starts running towards it. "Elene! You shouldn't be running in your situation lass!" But she ignores my words completely.

Before I know it she's at the bottom of the halls, looking upon her father. "Gold. Gold beyond measure." He mutters, she looks at me horrified. "Beyond sorrow and grief." He looks up at her, "Behold, the great treasure of Thror. Welcome my daughter to the kingdom of Erebor." Elene looks at him with her mouth half open, not sure how to respond to this. "I told you.." I mutter to her.

After some while Thorin ordered us to find the Arkenstone, luckily he let Elene rest. That was all I wanted for her. "Keep looking all of ye, no one rests until it is found."

Elene POV

My body keeps aching, and the baby keeps kicking. I've had this feeling that it's not just one baby but two. But I won't tell Kili that if I wasn't sure.

"So I've brought you some hot soup and a warm cloth." Says Dori, "Thank you, and thank you for agreeing to deliver my baby." "It won't be the first baby I deliver. It's a real task you know? Dwarf babies are more stubborn than any sort of babies." I grin, "I can feel that already, yes."

"How is my little prince doing?" Says Kili with a smile, "You know it could be a girl." "Then she'll take her looks after her mother, a beardless beautiful dwarf." He says kissing my forehead, "I can't help it that I can't grow a beard, maybe it's in my family.." "Hey, hey, hey I am your family now. No need worries." He kisses me softly on the lips, I part mine carefully deepening the kiss. "KILI! TO THE GATE NOW!" I hear my father yell, "Go." I whisper, he smiles and gives me one last kiss.

"Elene! Elene! We're going to war! The troops are collecting!" Kili runs into my room in full armor. "What?" I say, a bit surprised and angry if this all is true. "Your father didn't want to-" "My father?! This is all his fault, isn't it?! I demand to see him!" I shout at Kili, "Elene, I'm going to war.. I don't want to think about it but I might die!" Tears start to well up in my eyes, "Don't even dare leave me Kili. Don't. Even. Dare." He hugs me tightly, "I need you, I can't raise this child on my own!" "Elene I promise you I will return to you. Whatever it takes." He kisses me on my lips, "I love you. With all my heart I love you." He says a tear streaming down his cheek. "You saw me and loved me when no one did and I can't thank you enough for that." I kiss him and start crying, "Now please send in Dori and Ori, I think the child is coming." He smiles, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, and I love you." He says whilst walking away. "I love you more." I whisper, tears falling down my cheeks. He laughs at me one more time before leaving. I break down sobbing, then grunt for an immense pain is coming from my belly. "FATHER!" I shout out.

*a few hours later*

"ARRGGGHHHH!" I shout, "COME ON THE SECOND IS ALMOST OUT YOU CAN DO IT ELENE!" I'm currently giving birth to my children, yes children. I already gave birth to the first. A girl, now I'm hoping the second will be a boy. But ohmygod the pain. "WHERE THE HELL IS KILI I NEED HIM I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT HIM!" "ONE MORE PUSH ELENE COME ON!" I think Ori has fainted by this point and it's just Dori right now. I hear another baby's cries knowing I was finished. "Congratulations Elene, you just secured the Durin family tree." "It's boy?" I manage to gasp out?" "Yes, now rest my dearest. I'll tell you if anything has happened in the battle." The battle... Kili.... Father...

"Elene?" Someone shakes me awake softly, "Kili?" I ask opening up my eyes, "No lass. It's just me." In front of me is Dwalin, blood on his armor. "What, what happened? Where's Kili? Where's my father? WHERE IS MY FATHER?!" I sit up straight, "Calm down Elene, you don't want to get too worked up on what I'm about to tell you." Tears are forming in my eyes, my breathing is becoming very shaken. "Kili, Fili and your father won't return." No. "Fili and Kili died protecting your father."


"Your father died of his wounds shortly after their deaths." Kili will come in soon, praising me about giving birth to his children. "We took their bodies in with us. Their funeral is in a few moments.."

Why hasn't he ran in through the doors yet? Why hasn't he come in here and kissed me? Why isn't he here holding me? Why isn't he here naming my children? Why isn't he here calling my father grandpa just to annoy him?

"Did he know? About his children, before he-" I choke in my words, "Your father knew, Kili didn't. I'm sorry."

I break down sobbing. He didn't know. He won't come. He won't see them. He promised me he wouldn't leave. He promised me.

"HE PROMISED ME!" I scream out. I start rocking back and forth.

"Promise. Promise. Promise. Promise. Promise. Promise." I start muttering.

"Father. Father. Father. Kili. No. Kili. Father. Fili. Dead. Always. Promise. Dead. Kili."


I caress my little boy his head.

"Far over the misty mountains cold."

I sing softly, his eyelids dropping.

"To dungeons deep and caverns old."

I haven't seen him yet. I haven't had the courage to go.

"We must away ere break of day."

They say he is looking peaceful, they both are.

"To seek the pale enchanted gold."

I haven't spoken to anyone since I found out about them.

"The dwarves of yore made mighty spells."

The only people I've talked to are my babies.

"While hammers fell like ringing bells."

I haven't decided what to name them yet.

"In places deep, where dark things sleep."

I would've discussed it with Kili when he got back.

"In hollow halls beneath the falls."

But he didn't.


This was heartbreaking to write, and I'm so so so sorry, there's still one chapter left after this one and then the epilogue. But if you guys want to I might make a sequel. And I will upload the other chapter if this chapter and the last one both have 10 votes each, and the epilogue will be uploaded if every chapter has 20 votes.


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