Part 13, aftermath

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After my father was gone they needed a new king, or queen, but I refused. I had to leave the lonely mountain for all the memories kept hunting me, I just couldn't raise my children there. So the new king was Daín. I got a fair part of gold and gems so life wasn't that rough. We weren't starving, my children had clothing, all was well. Only I kept missing Kili and my fathrr. I cried at night when my children were sleeping. For they were too young to understand. So I just simply told them that their father and grandfather were on a long journey and most likely wouldn't return.

I've named them Fili and Haera. Since Fili was supposed to be king after my father was I decided it was fitting that the new heir would be named Fili.

Dwalin has been providing our family of a man's touch to the household. But I will never feel about him the way I felt about Kili. My children really love him though, I caught Fili once calling Dwalin father when they were swordfighting.

Haera usually helps me cooking and sewing, but she's a Durin so I've decided to teach her the finest swordskills in whole Middle-Earth so one day she wouldn't just be princess but also the best swordswoman in whole of Middle-Earth.

"Ma, look at what uncle Dwalin taught me this afternoon." Fili says walking into the house with a sword, Dwalin following him with a smirk. Fili does some complicated moves, and smiles up at me once he's finished obviously feeling proud of himself. "Well that deserves some fine stew." I saw brushing through his long dark brown hair. "I learned those moves half a year ago already." Says Haera, walking into the room with a soft yawn. Fili pokes out his tongue, "Be quiet Haera and sit down for dinner." Dwalin says, obviously a bit grumpy that Fili's sister knew those moves before him. "Yes uncle Dwalin." She says with her eyes focused on the ground. I give Dwalin a stern look to show him that he shouldn't get my lovely daughter down like that.

"Haera, Fili can you do the dishes? I have to talk to your mother." Asks Dwalin them, they both nod and he smiles at them. He signals me to follow him outside. "So what did you want to talk about?" He sighs and sits down on a fallen tree used as a bench. "People are talking Elene." I sit down next to him with a worried frown, "What do you mean?" "They think we're starting a family without marriage." I look down at the ground, "I see.." I mumble, "Elene we can stop these rumours! You can finally agree to marry me and-" "My answer remains no Dwalin." I say calmly, "I'm married to Kili, and even though he's gone I'm still his." I stand up and brush off some dirt of my dress, "People can talk all they want, but I'm loyal to my husband. My children love you, and that's all." I walk back inside the house and close the front door.

I sit down on my bed and wrap myself in my woolen blanket. I haven't even noticed that I softly started humming "Far over the misty mountains" I guess it just calms me like Kili always dod, maybe it's because this song reminds me so nuch of him. A silent tear falls down my cheek.

I miss the way he stared at me and the way he made me smile. I miss the way he looked when I caught him off guard but most of all I missed him..

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