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A/N: AHHHHHH IT'S THE LAST CHAPTER! I really just wanna thank everyone who's voted for my story etc and I love you all and stay awesome ❤ (Btw Haera and Fili in the picture are portrayed waaay too old but I couldn't find a younger guy who I liked as Fili, so yeah imagine these people but younger) and without further ado; here's the last chapter..

"Mom! I wrote a song do you wanna hear it?" My little girl runs up to me, her brown hair and eyes reminding me of her father every single day.. "Of course I want to hear it! Come and sit on my lap!" She sits down on my lap and starts to sing.

"I know a place where no one's lost,
I know a place where no one cries,
Crying at all is not allowed,
Not in my castle on a cloud.

There is a man all in white,
Holds me and sings a lullaby,
He's nice to see and she's soft to touch,
He says, "Haera, I love you very much."

A single streams down my cheek, she means Kili.. She means her father, "Mommy are you alright?" "Yes, everything is fine. Do you want to hear a story about your father?" "Yes please mom!"

"Well, this was how I met him. I already knew about his excistence because my father told me about him, about great prince Kili, but I had never met him in real life. So there was this party once, your grandpa forbade me to go because I was too young, I snuck out to the back tent to grab some food. Little did I know that there was a dwarf on guard there. And that my darling, was your father. For a teenage dwarf girl he was very handsome, even though he did not have a beard yet." Haera gasps, "Father had no beard? Was he no elf?" I laugh, "I can assure you he wasn't my darling."

Then there's a knock on the door, "I'll get it mommy." She runs off to the door, I decide to already start making dinner and I walk to the kitchen. I hear the faint noises of Haera talking to someone and then a clear: "Elene." I drop the cooking pan and look up. "Kili?" I say tears streaming down my face, "Is this a dream?" He rushes over to me and kisses me fiercely. "No, my darling, it isn't." "But how-" "After the ring was destroyed good came back into the world. Everything good that was destroyed is now back. "My father?" Kili laughs, something I wanted to see for ages and now, I can. "I had to fight him off to see you first, he'll be here shortly." Tears keep falling down, "I love you so much. I love you more than you can imagine." Haera comes running in, "Mom? Who is he?" Kili's eyes start tearing up as well, "Is it really?" I nod at him, "Haera, this is your father, he finally returned from his journey." "Papa?" She says, "My little one." He says opening his arms for her, she runs over to him and hugs him tightly. "Haera, go fetch your brother for me please."

After she's gone Kili turns to me, "Brother? If you're in a relation with Dwalin, Elene I'll-" "They're twins." A soft look replaces his angry scowl. "The line of Durin, lives on. Not that I minded a daughter, she's amazing." "Not if your husband is dead and she looks exactly like him. Don't even get me started on Fili that little bugger is just as stubborn as you." Kili laughs, "Fili will be glad to know my son was named after him."

"Mommy! We found this man he claimed to be our-" "PA!" When I see my father I run over to him and hug him so tightly I'll never let go. "I figured, two little kids that looked exactly like you two that they had to be yours." Tears keep falling down, "Pa, I'd like you to meet Fili and Haera." Haera curtsies and Fili runs over to him and hugs him. "So the line of Durin continues with you, you will grow up to be a fine man." He says and chuckles, Fili laughs and gives him a tight hug. I kiss Kili shortly, "I've missed you so much." I say giving him a tight hug. "I just didn't want to move on. I've kept my loyalty to you Kil." He smiles, tears visible in his eyes.

"I can't quite grasp the idea of you being back." I say whilst hugging my father once more. "But what shall you do with the lonely mountain? Will you claim it?" I ask my father curious, "No my darling, Daín is doing a fine job ruling and I want some peace in my life for now." Kili stands up, "But when Daín's reign ends our son shall take his rightful claim to the throne." He exclaims with a smile, "He's just a boy." I say whilst shaking my head, "So are you saying he's had no training whatsoever?" Says Kili with a shocked look, "No worries dear, they've both had their training. Fili with Dwalin and Haera with me." I say with a satisfies smirk. "You've been training Haera?" Thorin says with his eyes widenend. "Well what can I say, she has more skills and talent than her brother. But don't worry, she won't be in his way to reign. Haera is a sensible girl, she'll know what her duties are when the time comes."

"Kili?" I ask him softly, we're in our bedroom and he's getting changed. "Yes, my love?" I get out of bed and wrap my arms around his shirtless body. "What was it like? You know, being dead." He sighs, "It was like walking down an empty white hall. It never ended, I was always walking and I couldn't stop." I kiss his cheek.

"I'm glad you're back."

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