Making "Friends"

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Jae Hwa wasn't the type to keep many friends around. It had always been Mingyu and Jae Hwa ever since she was little. Well, they used to have another friend in their group, but he stopped hanging out with the pair a long time ago.

Since then, Jae Hwa grew accustomed to being alone when Mingyu wasn't around. Not having a large group of friends has its perks. She doesn't have to share her food as much, though Mingyu eats like a pig. She doesn't have to deal with drama either. Both Mingyu and her are very chill people, as she likes to think.

Because of that, Jae Hwa wasn't surprise when the camp leader told her that there was an odd number of girls, resulting in Jae Hwa having a cabin all to herself. It was a one-person cabin, with nicer bed and shower. Her cabin was also closer to the guys' cabins than the girls, so Mingyu can stop by anytime.

"Are you comfortable with staying in this room? We can always put you in a cabin with 4 other girls and put a bed there." The camp leader and director, Minseok, asked.

Jae Hwa softly nods. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

Minseok pats her back, smiling approvingly at her. "That's some spirit. Being alone in a cabin can be scary, but at least you don't have to share a shower with 3 other people."

"Call me if you need anything! There's a reason why we let you guys bring your phone." says Minseok before he closes the door.

Once Jae Hwa was sure that the male was gone, she immediately took off her shoes and jumped on the bed. She stretched out her limbs and pick up her phone.

You have 15 messages and 3 missed calls.

From: Mingyu.
Subject: JAENIE-YAH! o(╥╥)o


Tell me your cabin number!




The boy you spilled orange juice on is in the cabin next to mine...






I'm in Cabin 17 if your wanna come and hang out.




Jae Hwa sighs. How troublesome.

From: Jae Hwa
Subject: Shut up.

I'm in Cabin 25.

You have a new text message.

From: Mingyu
Subject: YAY!

YAY YOU TEXTED ME BACK YOU'RE STILL ALIVE! Anyways, your cabin is really close to mine then. I'll come and hang out right now.

A few minutes later, the sound of someone trying to open the doorknob was heard. Jae Hwa lazily scrolls through her social media, waiting for the intruder to realize that the door is locked.

"Knock knock!" yells Mingyu through the door.

Jae Hwa rolls off her bed and stumble toward the doorway.

There stood Mingyu and Wonwoo...and 2 random people that she don't know of.

"Whoa! You have such a nice room! And no roommates, too!" Wonwoo comments, looking around the room.

Mingyu pouts at her, stretching his arms out to show that he wants a hug. "You're going to be all by yourself? Here, I'll give you a hug to make you feel better."

Jae Hwa groans as the taller boy envelopes her in a bone-crushing hug. She analyzes the people standing behind Mingyu and clears her throat.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to introduce them to you. This is Hansol and this is Seungkwan. They're our roommates." Mingyu says, indicating to the two males.

"I'm Hansol, but you can call me Vernon." The foreign-looking guy says, smiling at her.

The second guy pushes the first one out of the way. He offers his hand to Jae Hwa in a flirtatious manner, even winking at her in the process. "And I'm Seungkwan. Boo Seungkwan. Nice to meet you, pretty lady."

Jae Hwa raises a brow but still accept his handshake. Mingyu frowns at Seungkwan disapprovingly. Then, he put both hands on her shoulder. "This is Jae Hwa. She's my childhood bestfriend."

"Hi." Jae Hwa replies, waving a bit.

"How cute~" cooes Mingyu, pinching her cheeks.

"So have you decide what job you want yet?" Wonwoo questions.

"We have jobs here?" She asks.

Vernon nods from the side. "But you don't get paid for it though."

Jae Hwa purses her lips together. "What kind of jobs do they have here anyways?"

"Let's see, they have breakfast duty, lunch duty, and dinner duty. They also have cleaning duty and equipment duty. That's all that I know of." Seungkwan replies, counting off his fingers.

They all stare at her, waiting for her to answer.

"I'll get lunch duty then." Jae Hwa finally says.

"Awww why? I already signed up for breakfast duty." Mingyu whines.

"Me too." Wonwoo agrees.

Jae Hwa sighs. "I thought that you don't like waking up early in the morning." She gave him Mingyu a look.

The said male began blushing. "W-Well, I thought that I should try something new this summer." He stutters.

"We have lunch duty too!" Vernon and Seungkwan cheers, highfiving each other.

"I guess I'll stick with you guys when lunch comes around then." Jae Hwa says.

"We should hurry and sign you up before there's no more spots!" They said, rushing her out of the door, leaving Mingyu and Wonwoo behind.

Jae Hwa chuckles, letting the two males drag her to the sign up table. She can hear Mingyu complaining to Wonwoo in the background.

Well, camp might be an interesting experience after all.

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