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A/N: I feel like I'm dragging out the story way too much, due to the lack of interaction between the OC and Joshua. However, I don't want to rush the story either (like one of those story where the OC and the person he/she is pair with confesses right away). Omg I'm even dragging out the author's note ><.

Oh, and one more thing: please don't comment "update soon" when I just update a new chapter.

Happy Reading, my lovely readers.


People often view Jeonghan as a kind, lighthearted person. However, looks can be deceiving. Despite being known as 'angel' Jeonghan, he is quite the opposite of that nickname.

Everyone thinks that he's full of good traits, but he too, have flaws and bad traits. Jeonghan have often been asked why he kept his hair long. The reason behind it is because his hind neck is marked by a scar. It's barely visible, but it's there.

Deep down inside, Jeonghan is a possessive and selfish person. What he wants, he gets it. Except this one time...

That's why every once in a while, Jeonghan would nudge one of his friend away when they get too close to Jae Hwa. He would slyly take a hold of her hand, pretending to admire her nails. He have never told anyone this, but he himself had requested the girl in charge of activites to pair him up with Jae Hwa permanently. He was also the reason why the canoe crew had ended up getting stranded on the island that rainy day.

Everything happen for a reason. And those reason always trace back the cupid that started it all: Jeonghan.

So when Jeonghan saw Joshua getting all comfy with Jae Hwa, he knew that he has to do something. There's no way that he's going to lose. He always win.

"Jeonghan, the race is about to start." Jae Hwa's sweet voice says, bringing him back to reality.

He flash a charming smile her way, even winking at her. "Thank you, dear."

Like this very day when Jeonghan decides to ask Jae Hwa to come watch the canoe race with him, beating Joshua to it by a few minutes.

To be honest, Jeonghan wasn't into Jae Hwa that way. He just wants to interfere and see others suffer for not getting what they wanted. Just like what happened to him a long time ago.

"Go Mingyu!" Jae Hwa cheers.

Jeonghan chuckles. She's too cute for her own good. It makes guy like him wanting to take advantages of her.

At last, the race ends with Mingyu's team in third place, much to their displeasure. Jae Hwa was busy wiping sweat off Mingyu's face while comforting the whining boy.

"I bet 10,000 won on you guys..." She mumble in a disappointed tone. (A/N: 10,000 won is about 10 dollars in USD)

"Aw wasn't my fault though. Seungkwan over here was complaining about how much his hands are going to be scarred after this," Mingyu then mumble under his breath. "Gay..."

Jae Hwa let out a snort, rolling her eyes at him. "Look who's talking."

Before Mingyu could say anything else, Jeonghan cut in the conversion. "Jae Hwa, we should get going. The treasure hunt is about start."


"Let's go now before it gets too crowded." Jeonghan insist, a smile on his face as he grip on Jae Hwa arm.

Mingyu frown as he watches the pair merge with the crowd.

"Told you so." Wonwoo whispers next to him.

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