A Day at the Beach, part II

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It's been hours since the rain had started pouring, and it seems like it's not going away anytime soon.

Jae Hwa let out a sigh as she wrap her arms around her body, trying keep herself warm. Beside her, Joshua throw the twigs down in frustration.

"Stupid rain..." He mutters, his lips jutted out like a child.

She giggle at his action. "Here, if you do it like this," Jae Hwa picks up a dry twig from the gathered pile and wrap her fingers around it, "it might actually work better this way..."

Her fingers were numb from the icy water of the rain, and everytime she twist the twig in her palm, it starts to ache painfully.

Suddenly, Joshua put both of his hands against hers. Jae Hwa stops trying to create a fire almost immediately. The warmth of his palms against hers were making her heart beat in a peculiar pattern, and Jae Hwa was thankful of the dimness that covers her blush.

"Is it warmer this way?" Joshua whispers, his breath against her hair reminds her of how close they are to each other.

Jae Hwa nod, suddenly feeling shy. Though she can't deny that she's enjoying this right now. Maybe a little bit too much.

Neither of them move for a moment. Jae Hwa was too embarassed to look up, so she have no choice but to stare down at her hands. Well, Joshua's hands.


Jae Hwa's instinct was to withdraw her hands, however, Joshua's grip around it tightens.


With a swift motion, Jae Hwa was suddenly in his arms.


Too shock to move, Jae Hwa just remain silent, letting Joshua embrace her.

"Hey, I found a cave!"

The intruder pokes his head inside, finding Joshua and Jae Hwa in a very intimate position.

"Oh, Jae Hwa! What are you doing here-" says Wonwoo, whose sentence was cut off short by a furious looking Mingyu.

"Jaenie! You should at least tell me where you're going! I was worried sick! And oh la la...Who's this?" Mingyu raise one brow at her quizzically. His eyes dart back and forth between Joshua and her.

By now, Jae Hwa was pretty sure her face displayed fifty shades of red due to embarassment. She turn her face away from Mingyu, who have been giving her the "look".

Joshua smiles politely at Mingyu and Wonwoo. "Hello, you guys must be Jae Hwa's friend."

"Yes, I'm her super ultra bestfriend a.k.a the awesome Mingyu. This guy over there is just a tag-a-longer." Mingyu jerks his thumb towards Wonwoo. The ladder cutely pout, successfully making Mingyu fall in his /cough/ love trap all over again.

Before Joshua could answer, another voice interrupts him.

"Oi Mingyu, Wonwoo. Where did you brats go?"

Mingyu turn around to glare at the blondie, his face scrunching. "Serves you right for crashing our canoe. Who the heck loses their paddle and then causes the canoe to flip over because of their stupidity?" The male huff once he finishes his rant.

"Hey, my dancing is not stupid!" The blonde hair guy retorts back, his already small eyes squinting in a judging manner at Mingyu.

"Guys, we shouldn't be fighting. Where's this shelter that we were suppose to find?" A more familiar voice asks. It's now Jeonghan's turn to poke his head inside and witness the scandalous scene.

Jeonghan looks taken back, but he soon regain his composure and smiles at Jae Hwa in greeting. "Oh my, I didn't know you two were dating."

"Jeonghan! Where are yoooouuuu?"

"Yoo hoo! Jeonghan? Hoshi?"

The sound of wings flapping was heard outside.

"Caw caw motherf*****!"

"Jun, that's bad language."

"Oh well."

Joshua have finally decide to let go of her. They sat next to each other, but each of their faces were turn in the opposite directions, their cheeks tinted pink.

The last two members on the canoe finally make their appearance. They happily grin as they see the person they were looking for.

"Jeonghan!" Jun runs toward the male, his arms outstretched.

Another jovial looking male also took off after his friend. "Jeonghan!"

They tackle the poor guy in a hug, crashing all three of them to the ground. Jae Hwa can only watch in amusement due to the similarity between those three and her own group of friends.

"Jeonghan~ you're so mean, leaving me behind like that. Is Hoshi more important than me?" A foreign male pouts, burrying his face in Jeonghan's neck.

Jeonghan let out a lighthearted chuckle. "Jun, stop that. It tickles."

"Who is she, Jeonghan? Your friend?" The other male asks, looking at Jae Hwa.

"Yeah, that's Jae Hwa. She was my partner for one of our activity." Jeonghan introduces.

Jae Hwa politely incline her head towards them. "Hi."

"And she's dating Joshua." Hoshi butts in, grinning mischievously.

Mingyu shoves the shorter male to the side, his face shows both annoyance and disapproval. "She's not dating him. He haven't ask me for my permission to court her yet."

Jun snorts at his statement. "What are you, her mom? Shall I call you "mama" now?"

Jeonghan let out a sigh, stepping in between the two of them. "Guys, introduce yourself properly to Jae Hwa. You're confusing her right now."

"Hi! I'm Seokmin or DK. You can call me whichever." One of the last two guys to arrive says.

"I'm Jun. Nice to meet you."

"Hoshi a.k.a the Master of all kind of dances." Hoshi put a finger under both of his eyes in an angle. "Also known as 10:10 due to my eyes, but you know they're fabulous."

Jae Hwa awkwardly smiles back, overwhelmed at the amount of people gathered here. "H-Hi..."

"So what's this business about Joshua and Jae Hwa being in a relationship?" Jun asks, stepping inside of the cave without any hesitation.


Jae Hwa don't know how things end up like this. One moment it was just Joshua and her, the next moment there's a bunch of guys.

Motherly Jeonghan decides to start the fire at last. All of them are currently huddled around the glowing flame, trying to get a bit of warmth.

"Don't worry, this is just 2/3 of our group. We left 2 people behind because there's not enough room on the canoe." Seokmin explains. Seeing Jae Hwa's panic face, the ladder burst out laughing.

"Why did you guys agreed to go on a canoe together with Mingyu anyways?" Jae Hwa questions, resting her head on her bestie's shoulder.

Mingyu shrugs. He boredly threw a rock in the fire while explaining his reason. "Wonwoo and I decided to go together at first, but then these idiots were upset that we took the last canoe. In the end, they basically forced their way on the canoe. Then, somehow we ended up getting stranded in the rain, and now we're here."

Joshua nods, listening tentatively. Jae Hwa just look straight up irritated. Not only did they invaded hers and Joshua's space, they also keep on throwing looks her way.

After many random talks, Jae Hwa begin to feel the exhaustion kicking in. Voices were beginning to fade in the background and faces were blurred together.

And just like that, Jae Hwa had drifted off to dream land, right on Joshua's shoulder.

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