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Author's note: I'm back!

It was around noon when she arrives at the meeting place. Jae Hwa stands outside an old coffee shop, her hands clutching onto the hem of her skirt in distress. Constantly flickering her eyes between her watch and the empty street, her lower lip swollen from overbiting. Jae Hwa lets out a shaky sigh, her legs numb from standing for too long. Leaning against the glass interior of the café, Jae Hwa begins to worry that Jisoo might not come after all. Besides, she's pretty sure that Jisoo doesn't think of her any higher than a friend.

He have a fianceé now, he doesn't need someone like her.

Seconds pass, then minutes. Minutes soon turn into hours. The air was getting a lot moister by now, and the sky looks ominously gray, shadowing Jae Hwa's conflicted emotions.

Drip, drip, drop.

Rain droplets drum against the narrow roof of the coffee shop, creating a strange melody. Jae Hwa reaches a hand out to feel the precipitation falls againts her thin fingers.

"Ah...I knew it." Jae Hwa mumbles dejectedly.

Her watch reads 2:00 pm, yet Jisoo was nowhere to be found. Considering that it is not a weekday, the lady who runs the café makes her way toward the front of the shop, switching off the sign that reads 'open'.

Sound of bells chiming greets Jae Hwa. There stands the lady from before, but this time, her hand was occupied with a steaming cup.

"Drink up, young lady. It must have been a long wait huh?" The lady says, offering Jae Hwa the beverage.

Politely thanking the lady, Jae Hwa accepts the cup and took a small sip. A smile spreads across her face when she tastes the bittersweet hot cocoa. The lady didn't say anything else, letting Jae Ha drink in peace.

Jae Hwa observes the lady from the corner of her eyes. From what Jae Hwa have seen physically, the lady appears to be in her mid-30s. There were a few strands of gray hair that sticks out from her messy bun, which constrasts her ebony curls. A stained apron clads itself around the lady's waist, couple of straws poking out from the mini pockets. A name tag was pinned onto her shirt's pocket.

Nayeon, was the name printed on the tag.

"So, your date stood up on you?" Nayeon questions, breaking the silence.

Jae Hwa hastily averts her eyes away from the woman. "Yeah..."

Nayeon shakes her head, staring at the wet pavement with a sympathetic expression. "I'm sorry to hear that. I have my fair share of heartbreaks, also."

Jae Hwa nods. Suddenly feeling dizzy, Jae Hwa presses a hand against her forehead, the other reaching out the find anything that would steady her. Nayeon's attention was on her, but the woman makes no attempt to assist Jae Hwa. Instead, she just looks at Jae Hwa with pity and remorse. Darkness soon welcomes Jae Hwa, and the sound of body falling against the pavement fills the surrounding area with a loud thud.


"I told you: this will be the last time that I'm involved in any of your business or his business. Just please...leave my daughter and I alone."

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