Getting to Know You

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Jae Hwa let out a sigh as she tug on the hair band, letting her hair loose again. She don't know how much time she have messes up her hair, then trying a new hairstyle.

"Jaenie, hurry up! I need to pee!" Mingyu yells from the outside.

Jae Hwa hurriedly run hair hands through her hair one last time. She don't know why she's so worked up about it. Joshua just said to meet him at the camp fire. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Jaenie! If you need me to do your hair, just ask! I'm going to pee right here if you don't come out-"

Jae Hwa glares at the tall male as she opens the door in his face, cutting off his sentence. Mingyu immediately rushes in the bathroom. She glance at the clock.

7:23 P.M.

It was still way too early.

As usual, Mingyu's cabin crew is lazing around in her room like it's their own room. Seungkwan and Hansol were making a mess on the floor with the sea salt crackers. Wonwoo was dozing off on the carpet.

"I'm going outside for some fresh air." Jae Hwa announces.

"Come back safely." -Hansol.

"Don't die." -Seungkwan.

"*snores*" -Wonwoo.

The humid air of July greets her as she took in a deep breath. Even though the campsite is located near the ocean, Jae Hwa have only been there once. She can smell the salinity in gentle breeze that the wind brings. Deciding to kill time by doing something proactive, Jae Hwa decided to take a stroll down the beach.

The moon is slightly visible in the horizon, but there were still some campers who are still surfing in the water. She spots Minseok, the camp director, among the other surfers. The three other islands surrounding Jeju plays hide and seek between the clouds that are passing by. Jae Hwa secretly smiles, remembering what happened a few days back at one of the island.

Jeonghan was unconsciously smiling as he watches her kick the sand, her cheeks glowing a goldish-pink tint due to the direction of the sunset. When he first met her on the opening day, he thought that she was a clumsy girl. However, he was glad that she had spilled orange juice on Joshua's shirt. Because of that, he gets to see her more often. The others are unaware of his feeling; they assume that only Joshua likes her. Jeonghan let out a low chuckle, shaking his head at how naive both of them are. He brushes his bangs back, glancing in her direction one more time before heading hack toward the main area, where everyone else awaits.

'Jisoo...I hate to say this, but I'm afraid that I'll have to join the race too.'

8:02 P.M.

Jae Hwa slowly rotate her skewer, trying to roast her marshmallow perfectly.  Hansol and Seungkwan are competing to see who can roast the most marshmallow in 1 minute. The Meanie Couple are busy feeding each other smores to notice all the eyes that are on them.

A piece of smore appears in front of her. Jae Hwa look to her right, finding Joshua standing there.

He grins at her. "Here you go. I made it with tons of love."

Jae Hwa's eyes widen. L-Love?

"Thank you." She says timidly.

His grin widen. "Can I sit here?" Joshua points to the empty space beside her.


It was a bit awkward after that. Jae Hwa have given up her skewer to Joshua. Currently, she's munching on the smore that Joshua had made with love.

"It's kind of awkward, isn't it?" Joshua asks, stating the obvious.

She nod. The silence consumes them again. Jae Hwa can literally hear the crickets mocking her in the background.

"How about we play 21 Questions?"

Jae Hwa avert her eyes to the smiling male. "How do we play that?"

"Basically, we each ask a question, and then we both answers it. That way, we can get to know one another better."

"Okay, do you want to go first?"

" go first." Jae Hwa answers.

Joshua picks up a random twig from the ground. "We will pass this back and forth. The questioner will hold the twig, when they're done, they will pass it to the answerer."

Jae Hwa nods once again.

"First question, what's your favorite ice cream flavor?"

Jae Hwa purses her lip in concentration. "Does it have to be an ice cream flavor?"

"Yes. You don't like ice cream?"

"No, it's just that I prefer frozen yogurt over ice cream."

Joshua chuckles at her answer. "Alright then. Frozen yogurt it is."

Jae Hwa look down in embarrassment. She clears her throat. "What about you?"

"Me? I like chocolate ice cream, but I'm fine with other flavors too."

They continue asking each other different questions, not minding the time that have passed.

Through this, Jae Hwa discovers that Joshua plays the guitar. He was born in LA, but decides to move the South Korea to pursue his dream as a singer. He likes chocolate ice cream because he don't want try coffee flavor, thinking that it would be too bitter for his taste. He doesn't like loud places. He can eat anything as long as it's edible.

On the other hand, Joshua learns that Jae Hwa is much more talkative that she look. She's an only child, and Mingyu had been her only friend until this days. She wants to become a fashion designer in the future. She can't float on her back. She don't eat spicy food because she thinks that she's allergic (?)

At one point, Jae Hwa stops to think about her answers. Most of them include Mingyu. Well, it's not like she can help it. Jae Hwa was an antisocial person (and she still is). If it wasn't for Mingyu's habit of dragging her everywhere, Jae Hwa would still be very unaware of the 3D world.

They were exceeding 21 questions right now, but they didn't mind. The fire was dying down, but their voices have not. Jae Hwa giggles at Joshua's answers. Joshua would secretly fanboy over the adorable state of flustered Jae Hwa.

"Your turn." Joshua says, passing the twig over to Jae Hwa.

Their fingers made contact in the process, causing Jae Hwa to blush. However, it seems that Joshua didn't mind.

The space between them are slowly decreasing. Jae Hwa kind of forgot what they were talking about as her eyes slowly close itself.


Mingyu let out a sigh as he observes the pair from behind a bush, which is extremely scandalous. "And she fell asleep on him. Again."

"Mingyu, can you move? I can't see!" Seungkwan complains.

"Omo omo! He's putting her head on his shoulder!" Wonwoo whispers in secondhand excitement.

Hansol accidentally slips on a leaf, falling face down. The peeping trio all turn around, putting their fingers to their mouth.


Hansol pouts. "Guys, I'm injured here!"


"Okay, okay!"

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