Straight in the...Face

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Jisoo steals a glance at Jae Hwa from across the net. Currently, they are preparing for a volleyball tournament, and both Jisoo and Jae Hwa are participating in it.

"What are you doing, Jisoo-hyung?" Jun asks. The male easily towers over Jisoo, making Jisoo feel even more self-conscious about his height.

Jisoo hurriedly avert his eyes, pretending to be interested in the volleyball that Jun is holding. "I'm just preparing for the match."

Jun rolls his eyes. "Hyung, I know you're lying."

"I'm not lying."

"Hyung, you make it extremely obvious. I'm pretty sure that Jae Hwa can sense your gaze from all the way over there." Jun observes Jisoo's expression and laughs.

He lean against the pole that supports the net. Jun tilt his head toward the direction of where Jae Hwa is standing, his hair sways to the side in the process. (A/N: anyone imagining Jun's sexay hair flip? ≧◡≦)

"Go and say hi to her."

Joshua shakes his head, pouting a bit. "No...she's talking with Jeonghan right now."

"I'll go distract Jeonghan-hyung."

Jun half-drag Jisoo over to the other side. The older male just sighs as he let Jun drag him along and was silently thankful for Jun's consideration. Jisoo would never have the gut to go straight up to her and say hi; he always make it seems like a coincident or some sort.

Jisoo felt his heartbeat thump loudly in his chest as they draw closer and closer toward Jae Hwa. 'Calm down, Jisoo. Act cool.' He reassures himself.

Jun clings onto Jeonghan's arm like a giant koala, easily distracting Jeonghan. He winks at Jisoo and mouth 'hwaiting!' The male then leads Jeonghan away, leaving Jisoo with Jae Hwa all by himself.


"Hi..." Jae Hwa replies timidly.

Jisoo bites his lips, not knowing what to say next. "So...nice day huh?"

'Darn it, Jisoo! What kind of lame question is that?!' Jisoo mentally scolds himself.

Jae Hwa smiles, looking toward the beach. "Yeah, it's a beautiful day."

"Just like you..." Jisoo says under his breath.


"Oh, nothing, nothing! Ahaha..." Jisoo laughs.

They continue their awkward conversation a little while until Jun comes around once more to drag Jisoo back to the other side.

"Dude, what are those?!" Jun questions, looking pissed as f.

"What do you mean?"

The Chinese male let out an annoyed grumble. He put both of his hands on Jisoo's shoulder, staring seriously into Jisoo's eyes. "You're so awkward around her. Must I really teach you how to correctly pick up girls?"

"Ehh...maybe later? We have a volleyball match right now, remember?" Jisoo laughs nervously.

Jun narrow his eyes suspiciously at Jisoo. Then, he let out a sigh and nods. "Ugh, fine."

The game starts with Jae Hwa's side serving the ball. If Jisoo was honest, he would say that he was watching her the whole time instead of trying to actually play. Luckily, Jun was there to save him everytime the ball gets too close to his face.

"Hyung! At least pretend like you're trying!" Jun scolds.The8 just smiles at Jisoo, his way of saying 'you can do it'.

Jisoo laughs and apologizes to the younger male, who starts whining about Jisoo's lack of effort. On the other side...

Jae Hwa's mind was occupied with Hansol's and Seungkwan's bet. She shook her head and tries to focus on the net ahead.

"If he returns your serve instead of spacing out like he did, then you will confess to him."

She shook her head once again, glaring at the duo from the corner of her eyes. Seungkwan give her a goofy grin in return while Hansol just winks at her. Jae Hwa let out a sigh.

"Here it goes." Jae Hwa whispers.

Her hand made contact with the ball, sending it flying overhead. Jisoo's team scatters about, trying to return the hit. However, the ball was aimed toward a specific someone, and it was already too late when he finally notice the round object.

It was as if everything was in slow-motion when Jisoo stumble back due to the impact from the ball. Jae Hwa's eyes widen.

Jisoo painfully collides with the harden sand below. The male reaches up to his nose, his fingers making contact with a sticky substance.

"Oh. My. Gosh. His nose is bleeding!"

Those were the last words Jisoo heard before darkness welcomed him.


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