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Just because they've been going easy on the campers, Jae Hwa had forgotten the fact that they're still at camp. And when you're at camp, you go camping. Duh ._.

It's around 11 in the morning on a very bright day at Camp Sunshine. Jae Hwa was forced out of bed so early that she didn't even have time to eat breakfast.Which then results in a grumpy Jae Hwa.

Currently, they are hiking up a mountain. While everyone was happily chatting to each other, Jae Hwa was busy making a mental Death Note in her mind. She reaches up to wipe away a few drops of sweat that had appeared on her forehead. Her back is aching from the heavy backpack, and her throat is so parched that she can't even talk.

Jae Hwa let out a tired groan. They all had to stopped because one of the camper felt dizzy heat exhaustion. She plops down on the ground under an old oak tree. Fanning herself with one her hand, she uses the other hand to flip open the water bottle. Too bad Mingyu isn't here, or else she would have made him carry some of her stuffs. Joshua's group is heading the same way as Mingyu's group, so Jae Hwa is all alone-

"Hey, we're together again." Jeonghan greets, sitting down beside her.

Okay, Jae Hwa is no longer alone. She offers him a rice cracker, which the boy accepts. "Thanks."

They converse for a few minutes before the team resume their hike. Jeonghan is now carrying half of Jae Hwa's belongings, and Jae Hwa doesn't seem the least bothered by it. He offered to do so, and Jae Hwa had let him. However, Jae Hwa had fanned the boy and sprayed some sunscreen on him along the way as her way of saying 'thank you'.

"Team 2! Over here!" Minseok yells.

"See you later!" Jae Hwa says, then sprint toward the direction of her camp leader.

While the girls were given the task of gathering woods for the fire and cooking, the boys were in charge of putting the tents together. Some girls threw a fit and refuses to go into the woods, wanting to stay behind and watch Jeonghan in action. Jae Hwa just decides to go ahead by herself, leaving the chatters and chaos behind.

The sun was beginning to set in the horizon; they had spent a lot of time hiking up the mountain after all. While everyone else had their own little group, Jae Hwa was once again found alone. She took in a deep breath and stretches out her sore arms.

'Thank goodness, Joshua's harem isn't in my group.' Jae Hwa had pondered while strolling with leisure.

Lately, Joshua have been on her mind quite often. She would find herself unconsiously watching him while he was doing an activity with his group and smiles like an idiot when he does something laugh-worthy. Is this what happen when you like someone?

'No. It's just admiration.' She had denied.

For what though? Well, she admires a lot of things about Joshua. From the way he interacts with others with so much ease, to the way he was able to keep calm all the time. Joshua also has such beautiful eyes too. He was confident, friendly, and is definitely someone who Jae Hwa look up to. However, she didn't leave a good first impression on the boy. Jae Hwa frowns upon remembering the past event. Joshua still calls her Ms. Orange Juice from time to time. Others were starting to adopt the nickname too, and they would always teasingly questions her why she didn't serve them orange juice today.

Jae Hwa grins, lightly touching her right shoulder. After that incident with Joshua's ex-girlfriends, the male had asked Jae Hwa if he can have a talk with her. He explained that he was no longer involved in any connections with them, so Jae Hwa shouldn't worry about it too much. Joshua then asked if he can take a selca with her, which she accepted (with much excitement deep inside). Jae Hwa was about to set that picture as her wallpaper, but she knew that Mingyu would question her to the point of annoyance if she had did that.

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