A Day at the Beach, part I

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It's been about two weeks since the day Jae Hwa arrived at Jeju. Hansol and Seungkwan both became her friends and bodyguards when Mingyu wasn't around. She also made a few more friends with the people in her group, who happens to be Joshua's friends. She have been talking to Joshua more and more each day.

Last night at one of the many camp fire they've had, Joshua and her exchanged phone numbers. Immediately after they got back to their respective cabins, Joshua send her a good night text. She couldn't sleep because of that. Luckily, today is a Saturday, which means that all campers have a day off to do whatever they want.

Jae Hwa is currently being assist by Mingyu and his cabin mates. Mingyu does her hair like always and the rest of the guys decide her outfit. They all agreed on spending half of their day at the beach.

"What about this one? Jae Hwa-ah, you have such a good fashion sense! Oh, this sandal is so cute too!" Seungkwan fanboy at her choice of wardrobe.

She let out sigh. "I'll just wear whatever."

Seungkwan gawk at her, shocked. "No, no, no." He says in English with a hint of an accent.

He shove a pastel blue dress and a matching bikini in her face, his eyes sparkling like a little kid. "How about this one? This one is super cute!" Seungkwan search through her luggage, pulling out a pair of flip flop.

Mingyu stop braiding her hair to frown at Seungkwan's choice. "No. She's not wearing a bikini. Choose something else."

"Too bad, she didn't bring a one-piece. So hah! I guess Jaenie just have to wear this then." Seungkwan smirks.

"Hey! Only I can call Jaenie by her nickname!" Mingyu argues back.

Hansol pauses his game to rolls his eyes at the duo. Wonwoo also look up from his phone and stare.

"Let's just get this over with. I want to go to the beach." Jae Hwa break the silence.

"Fine." Both males mutter under their breath.

Jae Hwa wasn't a girl with lots of self-confidence. That's why she has been standing in front of the mirror for about 10 minutes now. She bought this bikini about a year ago but never really has the time to wear it. Jae Hwa is still a part of JGMD, short for J Group Modeling Department. Sure, her family comes from a long line of celebrities and models, and Jae Hwa was just one of the many member of the Joo family. However, it doesn't mean that she enjoys this lifestyle of hers.

Knock knock knock.

"Jae Hwa, are you okay?" says Mingyu from the other side of the door.

Jae Hwa opens her mouth, but then close it again. Finally, she answers. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Silence washes over them. "The other guys already head out to save a table for us, so it's just you and I."


She can hear Mingyu's soft exhale of breath. "Jae Hwa, open the door for me."

When the click of the lock being release was heard, Mingyu immediately storm inside. He glance at her, seeing that she's criticizing herself. He rushes over to her and scoop her in his arm. They stays like that for several seconds before Mingyu releases her.

"Let's not keep them waiting." Was all Mingyu says.

~ ~ ~

The moment the water touches her skin, Jae Hwa felt like she was in heaven. While everyone else was busy splashing salty water on each other, Jae Hwa was in her little world. She let herself slowly float away from the crowd of campers. Closing her eyes, she breath out in contentment. Moments like this were rare for a city girl like her.

Suddenly, Jae Hwa was aware of someone watching her. She opens her eyes in a lethargic manner, wincing a bit due to the bright sun.


There he was, just a few feet away from her. He's also floating on his back, sporting in a pair of dark shades. The little droplets of water in his hair glister under the sun beam, making them look like drops of diamond (A/N: shining diamond, yeah. Okay sorry, back to the story ><).

Ugh, it's not fair. Everything about Joshua is so perfect, it almost seem unrealistic. Jae Hwa surpress a blush that threatens to make an appearance. She was aware of how much nakedness she's showing right in front of Joshua right now.

Jae Hwa clears her throat before replying, turning her face away slightly. "Hey."

Joshua gave her a smile. That smile again. That guy need to stop being so freaking adorable all the time.

"Why are you all by yourself?" He questions, paddling a bit closer to her.

"Well...there's too much people. It gives me a headache and makes me sleepy." Jae Hwa answer back. This question is what often get asked when it comes to Joo Jae Hwa.

Joshua nods in mutual understanding. "Me too. I don't like crowds or loud noises."


"Yeah, really."

The sound of water splashing became a cover for their silence. Then, Joshua speak up again. "I heard that there's another island around here, but we'll have to swim to get there. Wanna go together?"

For a moment, Jae Hwa was confuse on whether to answer or not. "Sure?"

Joshua chuckle at her uncertainty. "Are you a good swimmer?"

The inner sassiness of hers just has to come out. "Of course. Are you a good swimmer?"

"I won't say that I'm good. All I can say is that I can manage not to die."

They both laugh at his comment. Jae Hwa changes her position, so that it's easier to swim freestyle.

They swam and swam, sometimes pause to admire the beauty of nature. After what seems like ages, they finally arrives at the island Joshua was talking about.

Joshua help her get to the shore by grasping her hand and pulling her with him. Jae Hwa can no longer feel her arms (or legs). The long duration of constant movement causes her muscles to ache terribly.

They both lay on the soft sand, taking a moment to regain strengh. Joshua turn to her, smiling despite the obvious sun burn on his nose.

"Wow, what a swim that was." He says, laughing a bit because it sounded really stupid.

Jae Hwa let out a small laugh, nodding in agreement. "Yeah. I can't feel my arms and legs anymore."

At some point during their conversation, Joshua had suggested that they should take a look around the island. Jae Hwa was very aware that they're currently holding hands, but she decided to not say anything. Besides, she's kind of enjoying this right now.

Jae Hwa watch as Joshua gets amaze at every little thing he found on this island. She nods along while listening to him blabber about a wild frog that he had read in a book.

Drop, drop, drop.

She look up, trying to find the source of water. The clear, sunny skies were no longer decorating the horizon, replaced by groups of grey clouds instead.

Her eyes widen in realization. Jae Hwa tug on Joshua's sleeves slightly, trying to deliver the message she wanted to say. When the boy didn't respond, she tap him on the shoulder, feeling the panic being built up inside of her.

"J-Joshua, I think we should go back to the camp. It's about to rain soon."

Joshua finally look up at the skies, frowning. "Yeah, I guess we should."

But as soon as they have gotten out of the trees' cover, it started pouring hard. The wind speed was making Jae Hwa sway on her feet. She grip onto Joshua's sleeve.

"Well...I guess we can't go back now. Let's try to find a shelter for now. Jae Hwa? Are you alright?"

Jae Hwa shook her head in respond. "No...let's go find a shelter."

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