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A/N: Thank you so much for voting and commenting on this story. Your comments alway make my day much better. Silent readers, please do comment! I want your comments.


"Jae Hwa?"

Jae Hwa immediately turns around, meeting eyes with Jisoo. The boy have two cotton balls in both noses, stopping the blood from flowing out.

"How long have I been knocked out?" Jisoo asks sheepishly.

Jae Hwa smiles softly at him. "Just about 15 minutes."

"Oh, okay."

They just sat there in silence after that. Jae Hwa's heart was beating irregularly, while Jisoo's face was flushed after realizing that they're the only one in the room.


Jisoo grins at Jae Hwa. "You go first."

"N-No, you go first." Jae Hwa answers back.

"Nah, I'm fine. Please finish what you were about to say."

Jae Hwa rubs her arm unconsciously. "Sorry about earlier...I hit the ball too hard."

Jisoo shakes his head. "No, not at all. I'm fine, you see." He smiles confidently at her, trying to prove his point.

Jae Hwa timidly smiles back. "Alright then." Her eyes then travels to his wrist, where a blue wristband with white stripes wrap itself about his pale arm. Jisoo notices her stare and looks down at the object.

"Do you like it?" He questions, motioning to his wristband.

"Yeah. It's a nice color." Jae Hwa admits.

Jisoo nods in acknowledgement. "You did mentioned that blue and yellow are your favorite colors."

Jae Hwa's eyes widen. "Y-You remembered?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Jisoo grins happily.

Somehow, just this simple statement of his makes her heart flutter. 'He's such a kind person.' Jae Hwa thoughts, and her eyes started watering without her knowing.

Jisoo's grin disappear immediately after he sees those teardrops roll down her delicate cheeks. "What's wrong?! Did I say something that makes you sad?! I'm sorry!"

Jae Hwa hurriedly reaches up to wipe those tears away. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just...I mean, no one besides Mingyu ever really cares enough about me to even remember my favorite colors."

Jisoo's face soften after hearing her answer. "Really...Well, we're friends, aren't we? I think that a good friend should at least remember what their friend's favorites are." (A/N: ouch, friendzoned.)

"Yeah...thank you for remembering."

"Hehe, it's no biggie."

Suddenly, both of their phones' alerts went on. Jae Hwa press the power button, her eyes widening.

"There's a new season for Attack on Titan, and it's coming out next year?!" Both teens chorus. (A/N: Jisoo bby is no longer a teen, but in this story, he is one.)

They turn to look at each other in astonishment. "You watches anime too?" Jae Hwa and Jisoo asks at the same time.

"Yes! Anime is like my second world!" Jae Hwa says, feeling all excited to have discover a fellow otaku.

"Right?!" Jisoo agrees, nodding furiously.

In the midst of their excitement, both of them have moved closer to each other. Jisoo leans forward while sitting in his temporary bed, and Jae Hwa scoots her chair closer to Jisoo.

"What genre of anime do you usually watch?"

Jae Hwa gasps, looking devastated. "I can't possible choose!"

Jisoo looks amused. "Neither can I."

"Though I have to say that Death Note will always be one of my favorite." Jae Hwa add on, smiling widely.

"Oh my gosh! I love Death Note!" Jisoo fanboys.

They continues their chat about anime for the next hour, with any thoughts of the volleyball game abandoned. Outside the infirmary, Mingyu grumpily kicks the sand.

"It's so hot! When is that boy going to wake up?!" He complains, fanning himself with his hands.

"Maybe we should go inside?" Wonwoo suggests, also sweating like crazy.

Hansol and Seungkwan jumps to their feet, with Junhui following behind. "No! Don't do that!" They chorus.

Mingyu raises his brows. "Why not? There's AC inside. It's not like I want to go in because of that kid. I just want to check on Jae Hwa."

Junhui laughs nervously. "What if they're doing something that we shouldn't see?"


Hansol and Seungkwan have to grab Mingyu by the arms to drag him away from the place. Wonwoo smiles at Junhui politely before running after the trio.

"Noooo! My Jae Hwa is too innocent for that stuff!" Mingyu yells, looking deflated.

"We should go too." Jeonghan suggests. The long-hair male have been way too quiet today.

Junhui shrugs. "Fine with me."

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