A Date With the Prince Charming?

250 19 3

After many days of lazing around in her  unnecessarily enormous house, Jae Hwa was finally being productive for once. Apparently, watching anime and mass textings isn't "productive". Cue the eye rolls.

Jae Hwa tries on the first outfit she picks out, which consists of navy shorts and a striped V-neck T-shirt. She twists and turns in front of the mirror to exam herself. Contemplating for a moment, she then shrugs. "Good enough, I guess."

Without Mingyu and his noisy cabin crew, Jae Hwa didn't have to worry about anyone barging into her room at the midst of dawn. That also means that there will be no one of fuss over her outfits and hair like them.

"I'm heading out. You guys can eat dinner without me." Jae Hwa says, putting on her black Converse.

Jooyeon and Minah, her personal assistants, wave in sync as Jae Hwa makes her way out. "Have fun!" The twin helpers yell.

Jae Hwa refuses to call them her "maids", and since the house only consists of the three of them, they all became quite a close trio. Jooyeon and Minah are the only people besides Mingyu who knows about her true past.

A black Mercedes-Benz was waiting outside for Jae Hwa, however, she informed the driver that she can walk a few blocks and that she won't die. Hopefully.

Jae Hwa plug her earphones in an iPod, smiling softly as a familiar tune plays.

Questions and answers,
Pretend you didn't hear.

Jae Hwa's steps became lighter and she walks down the quiet street of her area. As she was nearing the main street, a car slows to match her pace.

"Jae Hwa?" A voice asks.

The said girl turns to look at the speaker, her eyes widening and her cheeks begin to form a soft shade of pink. "Jisoo...hi."

Jisoo grin widely at her with that refresing, boyish look on his face. "On your way to the ddukboki place also?"

Jae Hwa meekly nods, swinging her earbuds around in attempt to calm her racing heart. It's funny how quickly her mood changes just because Jisoo shows up. Maybe something is wrong with her. She should probably visit the doctor.

Her answer only makes his grin broaden. He opens the door for her and gets out. "Great! I'm heading in the same direction, how about we both head there together? I-I mean, if it's fine with you..." Jisoo stutters in attempt to explain his honest intention. The tips of his ears turn a bit red in embarrassment.

Jae Hwa nods again, this time more  enthusiastically. Jisoo held the door open for her, just like a gentleman, and waits until she was fully seated, then steps back inside the car. The car ride was silent most of time. Jae Hwa was too nervous to say anything, and the same goes for Jisoo. When the car makes a slight left turn, Jisoo's body shifts toward Jae Hwa. Their hands were touching, and both of cheeks flare up instantly.


"M-Me too..."

They turn their face away from each other, both facing opposite ways now.

I I I want you, baby,
I I I need you.

The car soon pulls to a stop in front of a small ddukboki shop. The driver opens the door for both of the teens. Jisoo mutters a small 'thank you' to the driver, his face still red from the earlier event.

"Should we wait for them or head inside first?" Jae Hwa breaks the silence, asking an a small voice.

"Hm...let's wait for them." Jisoo suggests.

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