A Punny Lunch

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A/N: Thank you so much for all the positive comments and votes. Here's a present for you all, two updates in a day! I feel so accomplished hehe. Happy Reading, my lovely readers. Huggles for everyone.

Sometimes, Jae Hwa often wonder why she's even friends with these idiots.

Seungkwan and Hansol both heard the story about what happened on the island, and they have been teasing her nonstop for the past few days.

Screw the camp and their ways of making juice. Currently, Jae Hwa and the boys are cutting up some oranges. Yes, it have to be hand-squeezed (A/N: why does it sound so wrong omf? ^///^).

Seungkwan took two orange rings, putting it around his eyes like goggles. He let out an accomplished laugh and face Jae Hwa. "Hey, orange I a cutie?"

Hansol saw what he was trying to do and snorts. The younger male copied his action by holding up some orange peels.

"Why was the orange sad? Because he had peelings for the apple."

They both look at each other and starts laughing like some madmen. Jae Hwa rolls her eyes and resume her task of preparing lunch.

"I think you guys should go back to the mental asylum, because orange you crazy?"

All three of them share a glance, then bursted out laughing again. This time, Jae Hwa join the fun.

Oblivious to their surroundings, a certain blondie had taken that fact as an advantage to sneak in the working area. He quickly hoard the freshly baked cookies from the plate, but was not quick enough to make his escape.

Seungkwan had grabbed a bundle of blondie's hair in his hand, his bangs covering his face in a murderous manner.

"Hey, brat. Do you know how much time I've spent on baking those cookies?" His Jeju accent were starting to reveal.

Hoshi can only stare in horror at the male. "I-I'm sorry."

"That's all you can say after dirtying the cookies with your filthy hands?" Woozi, the new helper, asks.

Hoshi cowers under the intense stares of the shorter guy. Hansol decides to not interfere, and Jae Hwa couldn't careless about what they do as long as they don't make a mess.

The three continues to argue. Meanwhile, lunch has already started. Jae Hwa carefully arranges the decoration that she had made on the straw. It was a rose made out of orange peels, and it had taken much of Jae Hwa's time this morning to research on how to make one.

Campers after campers, Jae Hwa can't help but feel anxious. Joshua still isn't here yet. She peeks out of behind the counter, trying to get a glimpse of the people in line.

"Jae Hwa." A soft voice call out to her.

Jae Hwa look up in anticipation, only to find out that it's only Jeonghan. The long hair angel tilt his head to the side after seeing her fallen face.

She mutter a greeting to him, handing the plastic tray to the male. Jeonghan still wasn't convinced of her answer. He reaches a hand out toward her, his slender fingers brush against her cheek.

"You have some cookie crumbs on your face." He whispers, a small smile evident on his lips.

Jae Hwa stares at the male, her eyes wide. "Ah, t-thank you..."

Jeonghan only flash another smile her way before making his way towards the dining area. Jun replaces Jeonghan spot, grinning at her cheerfully.

"Hi Jae Hwa!" He waves enthusiastically. Jae Hwa wave back to him, also handing him a plastic tray.

The Chinese male leans over the glass bar that separates them, examining her artwork for a certain someone's orange juice. "Oooh, is that for Joshua? Nice."

Jae Hwa blushes at the mention of his name. She looks down in embarrassment, fiddling with her bunny apron (Mingyu had forced her to wear it).

Jun chuckle at her response. He then put a finger to his chin, pretending to think. Jun snaps his fingers suddenly, as if he had came up with a brilliant idea.

"Are oranges named orange because they're orange? Or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?!" Jun asks.

Everyone pauses whatever they were doing and gawk at the male. Hansol dropped his spatula. The trio stopped arguing. Jae Hwa scrunches her nose in confusion. It took everyone a moment to process what Jun had just asked.

"What?!" Woozi questions, purple lines appearing at his side.

Hoshi and Seungkwan covers their mouths, trying to muffle their laughter. Hansol let out an amused chuckle, leaning down to pick up the fallen kitchen utensil. Jae Hwa was still super confused.

Another foreign male appear by Jun's side. He looks at Jae Hwa apologetically. "Sorry, Junhui's mother dropped him when he was a baby, so that's why his mind works a bit differently than normal humans."

"Oi Minghao! I'm a perfectly normal teenage boy!" Jun protests, trying to escape Minghao's death grip.

The pair starts talking in rapid Mandarin (A/N: Mandarin orange /slapped), making Jae Hwa even more confused than she already is.

When Jae Hwa finally decide to snap out of her thoughts, Joshua was already infront of her. He smiles at her charmingly (Jae Hwa can literally see sparkles in the background), then reaches out and take both the waiting tray and the decorated juice glass from her hand.

"I'll be taking this, thank you very much." Joshua says with a wink.

He began walking away, but then turn back around. Leaning over the counter, Joshua whispers in her ears, "Meet me at the camp fire tonight at 8." He finish his appointment with a soft kiss on Jae Hwa's cheek.

The four male coworkers started whistling and cheering, while Jae Hwa just stood there frozen to the spot. Once she was sure that Joshua was out of sight, she slowly slid down to the ground. Her face was red to the point of her possibly passing out. From happiness, of course.

Hansol, being the darling he is, fans her face with his hands while the other three just fanboy about what happened.

Somewhere in the lunch room, Mingyu was fuming with jealousy. Wonwoo had to held him down, so that the male won't be able to stand up and murder Joshua.

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