EXTRA: Pepero Game

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"Jae Hwa and Jisoo, you guys are partners for this game."

And that's how it all started.

"Are you kidding me?" Mingyu whines grumpily, glaring daggers at Joshua.

The girls secretly sends Jae Hwa death threats in their head as they watches her make her way toward Joshua. The male's face was evidently pink, so was Jae Hwa's. They awkward exhange a greeting, then immediately looks the other way. Mingyu's cabin crew shake their heads at the pair.

"He's so helpless." Jun comments, pursing his lips judgingly. Minghao quietly nudges his friend. "That's mean, Junhui."

"You can totally tell that they have a crush on each other." Seungkwan adds on, grinning widely.

Hansol roll his eyes at the Jeju native. "And then suddenly, you've became a love expert."

"You know, Jisoo-hyung once told me that he thinks Jae Hwa-noona is cute..." Chan butts in.

All eyes were on the maknae of the group. "Really?!" They chorus.

Chan nods excitedly, happy to be a part of the male-gossip (A/N: LOL).

"Did you know that his wallpaper picture is the one with Jae Hwa in it?!"

Cue the dramatic gasps.

Everyone chatters happily about their new ship with the exception of two males. Mingyu and Jeonghan are the only who does not look one bit excited about it.

"I can't believe that Jae Hwa's first kiss is going to be that guy." Mingyu whines, still glaring at Joshua from the side.

Jeonghan's eyes widen, then narrow.

"Ready. 1, 2, 3!"

Jae Hwa hesitantly munch on the treat. Though she acts all flustered right now, deep inside, she had always wanted this to happen.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

Suddenly, Joshua's face was all zoomed in. Jae Hwa audibly gulp, seeing how close they are to each other. Just a bit more, and they would have-

Jae Hwa's eyes widen. She look at Joshua. The boy have his eyes closed, his long lashes fluttering every once in a while. Jae Hwa blushes. She tries to ignore the pounding of her heart and focus on the soft sensation of his lip against hers.

Too soon, Joshua pulls away. He smiles sheepishly at her.

From the side line, Jun and Seungkwan whistles loudly at the pair. Woozi, who magically appeared, was covering Chan's innocent eyes. Mingyu was shaking in rage, and Jeonghan just stares at the duo.

"Tsk, whatever. He wasn't the first one to kiss her." Jeonghan mumbles.

    (─‿‿─) (())    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   

Author's Note: Sorry for not updating for...8 days!

School has started once again, so I rarely have any free time to update. I'm going to use my weekend to the fullest now, so that I can update and continue this awesome story.

Also, this chapter is just an extra. I decided to write this chapter because Jae Hwa and Jisoo rarely have any interaction together (even though the whole story is about them...)
I'm giving Jeonghan too much spotlight. *shoves Jeonghan in the side characters' corner*

Sorry bby, I love you, but the story is not about you...┐('')┌


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