Doing What's Best

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"I'll make sure you'll never feel pain again, Jae Hwa."

   ( ́ ◕◞ε◟◕')   ( ́ ◕◞ε◟◕')   ( ́ ◕◞ε◟◕')

Jae Hwa grumpily stirs her orange juice with a straw, avoiding eye contacts with Mingyu. On the opposite side of the table, Mingyu also avoids eye contact with his bestfriend. Poor Hansol, Seungkwan, and Wonwoo. The three sits right in the middle of the silent feud that's happening between the duo.

For the past three days, Mingyu and Jae Hwa haven't been talking to each other, rousing suspicion from their friends. They all decides to conclude that the two fought.

"This is the longest time that they've fought..." Wonwoo mutters, glancing at the two. "Usually, they would make up in about a few minutes."

Hansol sighs dejectedly. "Jae Hwa-noona isn't fun like this."

"Right..." Seungkwan agrees, pouting.

"How about we just ask them what's going on?" Jisoo suggests.

Wonwoo stares at him with wide eyes. Shaking his head furiously, he says, "That's suicidal! It's best to leave it up to them; they're the cause of their own fight in the first place."

Hansol and Seungkwan sighs in unison. Suddenly, Seungkwan snaps in fingers as if he just comes up with a brilliant idea.

"Maybe it have something to do with those emails that Mingyu has been receiving?" He suggests.

"Emails?" Jisoo questions.

Hansol nods, looking around cautiously, then leaning closer. "Lately, Mingyu-hyung has been staying up late, typing away in his laptop. He always brush it off or changes the topic whenever we ask him what he's doing."

"Hmm, that is suspicious." Jisoo agrees, scratching the back of his nape in confusion.

"From what I know, both of their family knows each other for the longest time. Maybe it's family problems?" Wonwoo suggests.

The group nods, seeing Wonwoo's guess as valid.

Before they could continue making more assumptions, Jae Hwa abruptedly stands up, walking out of the room. Mingyu lets out a tired exhale, then hurriedly follows the girl. The gossipy males watch as the duo make their way out through the door, then they turn to look at each other, shrugging and decides to  mind their own business once again.

"Jae Hwa!" Mingyu calls out.

The said girl continues walking, not bothering to even response to his call. Mingyu grabs Jae Hwa's wrist, forcing her to stop and turn around, facing him.

"What?" Jae Hwa growls, gritting her teeth in frustration.

Mingyu seems taken back by her demeanor, however, he quickly composes himself and looks at Jae Hwa straight in the eyes. "You're still not over that yet?"

"Of course not! You can't just tell me to stop hanging out with someone just because 'it's the right thing to do'! I can hang out with whoever I want!" Jae Hwa yells, glaring back at him. She shrugs free of his grasp on her wrist.

"I'm not 5-years-old Jae Hwa anymore..." She mumbles the last part. Turning her face away from Mingyu, Jae Hwa wipes away the few tears that had escaped from her eyes.

Mingyu immediately embraces her, stroking her hair reassuringly. "I know, I'm sorry. I just want you to be safe."

Jae Hwa's soft cries soon turns into a sob. She buries her face in Mingyu's chest, wetting his shirt with her tears. Mingyu tighten his hold around her small body, slightly regretting his harsh words the days before. Inside his back pocket, his phone vibrates slightly, but he knew better than to check it at this moment.

Mingyu walks his bestfriend back to her cabin, kissing her on the forehead tenderly before parting ways. He waits until the door shuts close, then turns around and pull out the beeping device. He scrolls through the many files that his assistant, Seungcheol, has sent. Mingyu finger pauses in mid air for a moment, and his eyes carefully analyzes a particular document. His eyes suddenly widens. With one click of a button, the device was turned off and slips back in his pant's pocket. Mingyu tries to surpress the urge to sprint back to his cabin and open his laptop, however, he couldn't help himself and ends up running anyways.

"I knew it." Mingyu mutters, clenching his right fist tightly.

Right in front of his eyes were a personal profile of Yoon Jeong Han. The file was personally organized together by Mingyu's late father, who risked his life by accepting this case.

"Yoon Jeong Han, alias J, is an illegimate child of Yoon Ji Hoon. He was on the look-out list for Korean Government and FBI due to having knowledge of multiple mafia assosiations and partnerships, despite his young age." Mingyu reads. His hands were clammy with sweats and were slightly shaking.

Mingyu bits his lower lip and scrolls down a bit more. "The actual residency of Yoon Jeong Han is currently unknown since the boy never have any permanent housings."

The male shakily reaches for his phone, pressing the quick dial button. Once again, the receiver immediately answers after no more than one ring, as if he had been waiting for the call.

"Yes, young master."

"He's here, Seungcheol." Mingyu says in a hurry, glancing outside his window to see Jae Hwa and Jisoo chatting. He lets out a relieved sigh, turning his back against the wooden frame.

"Understood. I will gather the investigation team right now-"

Mingyu jots up. "No! Don't do that just yet. Jeong Han haven't done anything suspicious yet."

"But Miss Jae Hwa..."

Mingyu sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I know... From now on, I will be responsible for the case. Leave it to me to look out for Jae Hwa, that's the least I could do after she have done so much for me."

Seungcheol, the person Mingyu has been contacting recently, remains silent for a moment. Then, he finally says, "As you wish, young master. I promise I won't say a word about this subject to anyone."

"Good. Then, I'll see you in a few days." Mingyu answers back.

"See you later, young master. As always, I wish you and Miss Jae Hwa well."

Mingyu stares at his phone even afer the call has ended. The profile he read about just moments ago still lingers in his mind, making him feel a sense of uneasiness. Finally, Mingyu put the device down on the wooden desk and flops on his bed. He puts his arm over his eyes as if he could block away the reality by doing so. Oh, how he wishes that life works out just like that, easy and simple.

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