Rocket's Discovery

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hi guyss!!1!1! im kinda happy cuz i got 9 people reading this (tysmm >:D) anddddd yeahhhh thats really it <333


Rocket sneaked after Sword and Slingshot, he didn't want to confront Sword. "U-uhm, maybe they're just going to the park or something! Not going to kiss!" he nervously chuckled to himself. Rocket still kept following them, trying not to slip every step he took.
While Rocket would follow them, he would hide behind a trash can or anything he could hide behind when he thought they were turning around. In the end, they didn't look back to see if anyone was following them much and they kept keeping eye contact with each other.
After enough walking, the two stopped walking as Rocket hid behind a tree, holding in his tears at this point. Slingshot and Sword sat on a bench. They were at a park, and Rocket tried to not make much noise as he watched Sword kiss Slingshot's forehead.
Rocket picked up his Iphone and took a picture. Instead of confronting Sword, he left the park. He looked at the picture again and looked back. Rocket tried to keep himself from breaking down, and he texted his dad.

Rocket: hi, dad, could you pick me up? im at rhe park

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After a couple of minutes, Rocket was in Zuka's truck. Barely holding onto himself. He still had the flowers and Peeps, so he started eating them.


When he got home, he collasped onto his bed and started crying quietly. It was a lot, yes, but he tried to keep it silent as he didn't want his dad to hear.

He thought about the first time they met. Rocket had fallen onto the ground, and Sword held his hand out for him. Rocket had accepted it and that was the start of their friendship.

Rocket kept getting more memories, and he wondered why Sword chose Slingshot over him. He cried even more after thinking about that, and he started playing music to help him cope with what be found out. "W-Why me..?" Rocket asked himself, "Why the fuck does it have to happen to me?" He sniffed and cried some more. His hands were soaked in tears as he kept thinking of what he had done. "I bought him presents... were they not enough?" he asked himself.

"Am I not good enough..?"


goose!!! okay im listening to "love to keep me warm" cause its so silly and i love winter and i was crying ealier and yes but like i feel good and also CLIFFHANGERRR!!! haha, sorry for making it dramatic lolz

443 words

swocket angst!!!1!!1! 😭😭😭😭Where stories live. Discover now